Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Thank you for reaching out to us!
I tried to reproduce this issue at my end. However, I am getting the intended behavior.
Please check the
Please let me know if that helped you with your use case and if there is anything else you would need assistance with.
Thank you
Wether the API config is deployed to API gateway or its just sitting idle , the status is showing as "Active". Since number of API configs are limited to 100 for each API, frequent cleanup of these files is required.
As the status is Active for all the configs, cleanup process is tiresome and manual.
What you expected to happen:
-> Status needs to be based on the deployment.
-> Having status something as "ACTIVE" & "DEPLOYED" might work better.
Steps to reproduce:
-> Create API and API config as mentioned here [1][2]
-> Before deploying an API to gateway, run the command [3], all the existing config file status shows "ACTIVE"
[3] gcloud api-gateway api-configs list --api=API_ID --project=PROJECT_ID
Other information (workarounds you have tried, documentation consulted, etc):