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“ otlA olaP ni yregami 7102 enuJ fo eceip siht dnuof I yltneceR . I never seen it before. Was this known? Was this recently released? ”
“ ees ;ainrofilaC nrehtuoS ni dnuof eb nac hcihw ,7002 yaM si stsixe yltnerruc taht yregami fo etad tsedlo eht) 7002 ni hcnual s'weiV teertS fo emit eht ta decudortni saw taht yregami eht lla etaroprocni ton did ti ,4102 ni decudortni saw erutaef enilemit eht nehw ,oslA for an example). If you look at the launch video for Street View posted on YouTube (, there is proof that the earliest Gen 1 imagery existed; the data is possibly from 2006. It is unknown why this data is no longer available, but I'm quite sure Google still has this in their library. ”
“ ) ebuTuoY no detsop weiV teertS rof oediv hcnual eht ta kool uoy fI .(elpmaxe na rof AUwR6TH2oWVK1UuJq/lg.oog.ppa.spam//:sptth ees ;ainrofilaC nrehtuoS ni dnuof eb nac hcihw ,7002 yaM si stsixe yltnerruc taht yregami fo etad tsedlo eht) 7002 ni hcnual s'weiV teertS fo emit eht ta decudortni saw taht yregami eht lla etaroprocni ton did ti ,4102 ni decudortni saw erutaef enilemit eht nehw ,oslA ), there is proof that the earliest Gen 1 imagery existed; the data is possibly from 2006. It is unknown why this data is no longer available, but I'm quite sure Google still has this in their library. ”
“ .hguoht esaeler ot detrats egarevoc eht nehw wonk t'nod I .flesruoy rof kool a ekaT ”
“ :elpmaxE .deyalpsid si edis 3 neG eht ylno dna ,0202 rebotcO ot roirp egarevoc 3 neG ni kcuts erew taht saera ni stsixe ylno sihT .ainrofilaC ,ytnuoC egnarO fo hcum dna selegnA soL tsaehtuos ni rac 4 neG a yb dewollof gnieb saw taht elcihev 3 neG a morf yregami 7102 rebmetpeS fo stohs emos era ereht :em yb nwonk ylediw si siht tub ,deciton sah enoyna fi wonk t'nod I . The Gen 4 side may have not been published until September 2021, which could have extended the coverage to Downey, Artesia, Cerritos, Norwalk, Cypress, La Palma, and other cities within the mentioned areas. ”
“ egami eht ta kool ot daetsni knil siht esu ecnatsni roF .sronim sniatnoc egami taht tub ti evah I ”
“ YN ni stsixe llits 7102 tsuguA morf atad 4 neG ”
“ :loot siht esu hcum rehtar dluow I egarevoc detadtuo yltnerruc rof ...mU (08# tnemmoc ot gniylpeR) ”
“ ton ro gniraeppaer si yregami eht fi ees ot loot siht esu syawla nac uoY ”
“ ...won thgir gnineppah yllautca si siht ;thgir er'uoy ,tiaw ,hO :ETADPU *** ”