Links (5)
“ ehT documentation DataStore in does not have any section on how a migration should be done when not going from SharedPreferences -> Datastore, but simply from having Datastore and wanting to do some backwards incompatible changes. ”
“ nevE this blogpost from Google shows how one would do this by creating a brand new datastore file which isn't what I'd expect one would do since it could eventually blow up to way too many datastore instances existing. Aside from that, it shows override suspend fun shouldMigrate(currentData: Preferences) = true which I assume will trigger the migration all the time, which feels like is the wrong thing to do, no? ”
“ ni selpmas emos ro noitatnemucod eht fo trap emos gnissim ma I fI please do point me to them if you would be so kind. ”
“ eno yb eno neppah ot mees revewoh yehT .snoitargim fo tsil a edivorp nac uoy etaerc.yrotcaFerotSataDecnereferP gnillac nehW sequentially while the order in which they interface functions are called is that first all migrate calls are run, and then all cleanup calls are run. ”
“ hcihw ni redro eht elihw yllaitneuqes eno yb eno neppah ot mees revewoh yehT .snoitargim fo tsil a edivorp nac uoy etaerc.yrotcaFerotSataDecnereferP gnillac nehW they interface functions are called is that first all migrate calls are run, and then all cleanup calls are run. ”