Bug P4
Status Update
se...@google.com <se...@google.com> #2
Can you try with the latest snapshot? Not reproducible for me on androidx-main.
No update yet.
Can you try with the latest snapshot? Not reproducible for me on androidx-main.
Jetpack Compose component(s) used: Many
Android Studio Build: Flamingo
Kotlin version: 1.8.0
Steps to Reproduce or Code Sample to Reproduce:
Currently when hiding the status bar via accompanist, the statusbar padding does not properly react.
Accompanist asked me to report here.
setContent {
val systemUiController = rememberSystemUiController()
systemUiController.isStatusBarVisible = false
val statusBarPadding = WindowInsets.statusBars.asPaddingValues()
logError("AAA") { "Pad: ${statusBarPadding.calculateTopPadding()}" }
10:01:52.350 AAA E StartActivity$onCreate$1.invoke@345: Pad: 0.0.dp
10:01:53.186 AAA E StartActivity$onCreate$1.invoke@345: Pad: 0.0.dp
10:01:53.455 AAA E StartActivity$onCreate$1.invoke@345: Pad: 0.0.dp
10:01:53.577 AAA E StartActivity$onCreate$1.invoke@345: Pad: 24.0.dp
10:01:55.083 AAA E StartActivity$onCreate$1.invoke@345: Pad: 0.0.dp
With the previous code, the application start, the padding is properly set to 0 from the start then some times later the padding is applied again for the duration of the status bar hiding animation.
This creates jumping content and really bad UX for the users.