Status Update
Comments <> #2 <> #3 <> #4 <> #5
Please escalate and update this issue. Thank you. <> #6
The only solution I've found is to swap out to a new service account. Which is feasible if it keeps happening every few days or whenever the unknown limit is hit. <> #7 <> #8 <> #9
Google Drive with >1 million files.
Can't even create a new folder in the drive via the web interface in a browser (despite 20% of 2TB being available).
Error shown in this case is "Upload Failed"
This issue needs to be escalated way beyond P1 <> #10
We too have over 1 million files. Using 2TB of 20TB only.
Trying to create a new folder or upload a file shows "Upload Failed" message
Please could someone increase the Priority of this Major Incident?
Could we be provided a timeline for resolution? <> #11 <> #12 <> #13 <> #14
also tried to delete some files and folders and reviewed Trash but the error still exist <> #15 <> #16
Has anyone fixed this by deleting items? I have a test account suffering the problem that I could empty nearly everything out of. Most of Googles doc's about the Drive API have a ring of "live with it" or "you're naughty, no uploads ever again" which would imply that the fix is "delete the account" which seems unlikely to be their best fix...
Also concerned that not only has this remained P2, no Googlers in the comments here, and no one has this assigned. <> #17
Has anyone tried this workaround?
- Use a new service account going forward. That should reset the 5 million file limit.
- Share all existing files with the new service account so that reading/editing works okay. <> #18
Google Drive has a 5 million files limit? Never heard of this. <> #19 <> #20
"Use a new service account going forward. That should reset the 5 million file limit."
Truly curious: How would this help if we triggered it using Google Drive Desktop and its backup feature? I ran a command line tool once or twice, but gave up on that method. I've had that running for years, pointed to a Google Workspace account that happily accepted the uploads and backups. Seems to have finally overflowed something. Now the Web UI is broken. I can't make a new service account there, like I can for a API token.
Still trying to figure out how to test this short of deleting my primary account in Google Workspace. Non-starter... <> #21
I understand that you're facing the Error 403 with the error message (The limit for the number of items, whether trashed or not, created by this account has been exceeded). Let me do my best to help.
I reviewed your case here on our end including the interactions with the previous representatives. This case has already been endorsed to one of our account specialists.
What they found out is that the error is working as intended. What does it mean?
As a user, the number of items you created in your Google Drive account exceeded the 5M number of folders and files allowed.
Regardless if they are Trashed or not, they will still count.
What can you do as a user?
* For you to be able to create a folder again, you'll need to manage the number of files currently existing in your Google Drive account.
This means permanently deleting unnecessary files and folders in your Google Drive account.
Permanently deleting means purging out the files and folders even in your Trash section since items in your Trash section still count against the 5M limit. (Also, it still counts against the storage space).
Please be cautious and permanently delete only unnecessary items as this process is irreversible.
* Have lesser folders.
Manage your files in lesser folders.
For example: If you grouped your files in 20 folders, find a way to group them into 15 folders or even to a much lesser number of folders.
I have deleted a lot of files but still facing the same error <> #22
- create folder via WEB it says "Upload failed"
- create folder via windows it says "FolderName has been removed from Google Drive because you don't have permission to add files to FolderName. For help, contact your Google workspace administrator"
- same problem in adding files via WEB and App.
By the way, this is their own accounts in Drive and not a shared storage that's why access issues are weird and should not be the case.
Is there any workaround on this? our local storage are almost full <> #23
from Google Support, also give me the same reply, and can't disclose why have this limit and what amount the limit is.
they only keep asking the remove some unused files.
and now I try
I have one folder with 2.8 million files, and just moved it to trash, but now my trash still has over 2.x million files, I just try to use the curl to request DELETE all trash.
but google drive looks like one by one to delete files, now I am not sure how long will delete all, may be long then 30days google driver auto clean my trash <> #24
googleapi: Error 403: This account has exceeded the creation limit of 5 million items. To create more items, move items to the trash and delete them forever., activeItemCreationLimitExceeded
I'm using Google Workspace Enterprise Standard
I've deleted a few million files and emptied the trash but it's still not letting me create new files. <> #25 <> #26
You can't create "more" files after deleting others. You can only create
"other" files.
The outer limit stays, restricting the amount of files created.
Kim Nilsson, IKT-pedagog
Lomma Kommun, Serviceenheten
281 34 Lomma
0733-41 15 20 <> #27
I also have hit this problem.
Current advice from google is to delete files my account has created. Including from Shared drive. This account has zero files in MyDrive! Not been able to use Google Docs/Drive for over two weeks. Support have had me chasing my tail with screen recordings and HAR files.
About the service account and "That should reset the 5 million file limit". Does this mean a new service account can simply create more files rather than reset my account?
David <> #28
Afaik there has never been a known/documented upper limit of the number of
files an individual user can own.
Only number is for Shared Drives, 400k, 20 folders deep.
I know of users that have billions of files in his My Drive, and therefore
was unable to migrate to Shared Drives.
Kim Nilsson, IKT-pedagog
Lomma Kommun, Serviceenheten
281 34 Lomma
0733-41 15 20
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #29
They also don't have anywhere to track the number of items, something shared drives (kind of) do by at least providing a % of it full. This clearly wasn't always in place since many people have far surpassed this limit and never received this message, so even if you can delete items (big IF), how would you ever know how many? Just trash the entire account? Blindly move stuff to Shared Drives and hope they're not included (but even then, how do you know if you're moving >400k? Just cross your fingers, otherwise it won't move the rest and now they'll be spread haphazardly in multiple places?). Not to mention the days/weeks it takes to actually move any amount of files and repopulate.
This is a big slap in the face to without any warning throw up a severely account affecting issue, one that may as well be completely impossible to fix, and respond with "idk working how intended". Even though people with less than their storage limits, less than 5 million files, and every assortment of accounts in between are receiving the same error, and are simply being bounced endlessly between Support and API claiming it's working when it's literally impossible for it to be functioning correctly, and both imply nothing new was actually done which is clearly a lie... <> #30
Small question. Has anyone affected by this issue even had success at by deleting files? Did that fix it, or is it just a suggestion Google threw out rather than have nothing? <> #31 <> #32
They can’t fix it. Their support sucks !! Spent 2 hours on the call and no resolution <> #33
Google Support are sticking to the advice on deleting items that I created (not just owned) from Google Workspace across MyDrive AND Shared Drives. I have zero items in MyDrive and nothing in the trash so to fix my account they are saying I have to somehow identify the files that I created in Shared Drives and delete them. This task would be very hard for me to accomplish. My contributions would be mixed up with other people's files, as far as I can see I have no way of identifying the files I created in Shared Drives. <> #34 <> #35
Did any one try any alternative Storage other than Google Drive ? now I can't use more than the half of my account and its a really silly issue if google can't manage more than organized 5M Files and folders now I'm thinking to move to OneDrive
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #36
It would have been REALLY NICE to know this limit EVER existed. It was stated in the documentation right from the start that shared drives have 400k item limits. And 750GB/day upload limits. That's totally cool, whatever limit you have and say is cool.
But now what happens for the people that have been using your account for 6 years and have tens of millions of files? Is there even a way to see how many files you have? No. And extra storage provided by adding more accounts "is at the discretion of the team". Someone on Reddit purchased another 5 accounts, contacted them for more space, and was given 20TB....which is still below how much space they're already using, and didn't increase the file limit.
So they've essentially just completely screwed over countless users with 0 notice (right before the 20% price increase they're implementing) with no possible way to fix it, no recourse, and nothing other than "just delete everything you have and hope it works".
Even if I delete 5 million worth of files there's no guarantee that puts me under the 5 million creation limit, since there's literally no way to know, or if it would work anyway considering there's people claiming they have far less than that and still get the message. So you could end up deleting all of that, and then still can't make anything and have now lost all of those files. I could easily add a few million files into rar instead, but I have 0 guarantee once they're removed I'll even be allowed to put the compressed packages up or just still get the message. This is extremely embarrassing and terrible implementation. <> #37
We're barely using 1/4 of our primary Google Drive storage, but we've been suggested to split our drive estate across multiple accounts.
Our 12 Million file estate across 3 -4 google drive accounts isn't sustainable and will cost an extensive amount to continue to divide... We're now just 1 month over when we initially saw the issue and do not have any official response when reaching out! <> #38 <> #39 <> #40
Basic - 100GB - £1.59 a month
Standard - 200 GB - £2.49 a month
Premium - 2 TB - £7.99 a month
Premium - 5 TB - £19.99/month
Premium - 10 TB - £39.99/month
Premium - 20 TB - £79.99/month
Premium - 30 TB - £119.99/month
What it *should* say is that no matter how much you pay you have to adhere to the 5m file limit. This feels like a consumer rights issue. Gather your evidence, submit a formal complain to Google and then complain here - <> #41
Google has now updated the error message from a generic "Upload Failed" to a mention of the 5-million item limit (see attached screenshot). As far as i know, this is the only written/official intimation of the same!
And here i was hoping this would just be a bug that was eventually fixed!
5 Million files is a ridiculously low limit. For example, on a 2TB account this means if your average file size is <400Kb, you'll hit this file limit before you exhaust your 2 TB of storage. God forbid you've purchased 5TB.
What's EXTREMELY unprofessional and irritating, is that without any warning at all they've crippled accounts that until now were doing absolutely fine with >5mil items (eg. mine has had 7 Mil for many months now with no problems). <> #42 <> #43
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #44
This is probably the worst thought out thing you've done, and radio silence. <> #45
Seems pretty official now:
A Google spokesperson confirmed to Ars that the file limit isn't a bug, calling the 5 million file cap "a safeguard to prevent misuse of our system in a way that might impact the stability and safety of the system." The company clarified that the limit applies to "how many items one user can create in any Drive," not a total cap for all files in a drive. For individual users, that's not a distinction that matters, but it could matter if you share storage with several accounts. <> #46 <> #47 <> #48
I feel like if Google's standing by this limit, they need to at the least create a set of tools to figure out what folders have how many files.
Should I delete the folder with backups of my computers? It probably has more small files. Or is it the one full of logs?
If they're going to ask us to delete data they previously allowed us to store, some degree of visibility will be needed. I can spin up additional accounts in GSuite Standard if I have to and split the data among them. I'm not going to blindly slash through data that is at least read only safe now until I have some idea how to split it up. <> #49 <> #50 <> #51 <> #52
Does the limit apply to the the number of files in:
A) "G:\"
B) "G:\My Drive"
C) "G:\My Drive\<drive name>
D) Something else?
Google often uses the term "drive" to refer to item (C) above (esp. with regard to Shared Drives). So a limit "per drive" is ambiguous - what exactly is limited?
(FWIW, our org of 60 people has about 103 TB stored on Gdrive in about 2 million files, mostly scanned slides of tissue samples. Google's dashboard says we have 300 TB available total, even tho it's supposed to be "as much as you need". At the rate we're going we'll hit 5 million files in a couple of years, so I want to know if there's a way to reorganize the data or if we need to move off of Google Drive. We pay about $1200/month to Google for service,. so I don't feel like we're freeloading.) <> #54 <> #55 <> #56 <> #57
I do understand Google needs to manage their resource usage now and then and perfectly happy with that.
Only problem I'm worried is not having enough time to react to such change, especially as disruptive as this one.
We have 100+ users on our company account. Do we have limit of 5 mil. times user count?
Or is the limit for all users combined?
Hope Google can clarify that with us. <> #58 <> #59
It is still very easy to reproduce the error by i.e. running two copies of the Google Drive app at two different machines and then uploading a lot of small files from each machine. The two apps would use the same login.
For example, each Google Drive app uploading 500kb files at 240 files/minute will trigger the error almost instantly. This could be simulating two scanning stations running simultaneously.
It would be so much nicer if the Google Drive app would just automatically retry a few times with a delay, instead of presenting the user with the annoying 403 forbidden error in the gui and moving the files to the lost+found folder locally.
Here we currently work around the files/minute problem by just lowering the upload bandwidth in the Google Drive apps low enough to not trigger the 403 forbidden error.
Another way to go for us could perhaps be using rclone to mount the drive at each machine - however, rclone seems to be very inefficient for this purpose (uploading many small files).
Anyway, back to my question - what is the limit for number of file creations per minute? <> #60
This issue is !!!! RESOLVED !!!! as of 4th April 2023.
Google has rolled back the 5Million file limit for Google Drive.
Google's tweet confirming the same:
Reddit post that started the avalanche of news articles picking the story up:
Cheers! <> #61 <> <> #62 <> #63
Marking this as obsolete. For Google Workspace customers, please contact support for future issues around quotas. I'll create an internal issue to better document this limitation in the future.
The below error is coming when trying to generate or upload the documents :
Error message: 403 Forbidden
"code" : 403,
"errors" : [ {
"domain" : "global",
"message" : "The limit for the number of items, whether trashed or not, created by this account has been exceeded.",
"reason" : "activeItemCreationLimitExceeded"
} ],
"message" : "The limit for the number of items, whether trashed or not, created by this account has been exceeded."
API version: V2
Please can this be addressed as soon as possible as this is a P1 for our customers?