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Comments <> #2
I'm only a little familiar with Power Apps. Is your app a mobile app or a web app?
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[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #3 <> #4 <> #5
I've submitted a feature request for an exercise minutes-like data type that would hopefully see metrics like Move Minutes written to Health Connect. I've also heard back from the Google Fit team that auto-tracked exercises are not stored in Google Fit as exercise sessions, but rather appear under the "Journal" tab as a result of associated metrics like distance, steps, speed, etc. Therefore, the only exercises that will be written from Fit to Health Connect are manually input, manually tracked, or sessions that have been written to the Google Fit API by other apps. The Fit APIs also don't return passive sessions.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #6
Thanks! That makes sense, but at least the Fit APIs return the minutes metric which again is key to our app. I hope the team will include a minutes data in a future release as many of our users enjoy minutes based challenges.
SDK Version used: 1.0.0-alpha-10
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: Android 13, Samsung Galaxy 22 Ultra
We've had good luck replicating functionality between the google fit sdk and Health connect except in one instance. There doesn't seem to be a way to get move minutes into Health Connect. I noticed that Google Fit reliably writes Steps, Distance and Speed but never seems to provide any kind of metric for counting active time. I did look into ExerciseSession.EXERCISE_DURATION_TOTAL but then when I looked at the data actually coming into Health Connect, Google Fit is never writing ExerciseSession data to Health Connect.
It seems odd that active minutes/ move minutes/ exercise duration would be left out of this integration as it is often a critical metric reported from fitness devices. Here is the call we use to get our aggregates for our app but we are unable to ever bring in any active time as again, Google Fit never seems to be writing exercise duration into Health Connect.
val request = AggregateGroupByDurationRequest(
metrics = setOf(StepsRecord.COUNT_TOTAL, DistanceRecord.DISTANCE_TOTAL, ExerciseSessionRecord.EXERCISE_DURATION_TOTAL),
timeRangeFilter = TimeRangeFilter.between(startDate, endDate),
timeRangeSlicer = Duration.ofDays(1)
Do you know if Google Fit will ever write this data into Health Connect or if I am missing something in the api that would be able to get this data to our users. Active minutes is a critical metric in our challenges app.