Status Update
Comments <> #2
This functionality was released in benchmark 1.2.0-alpha06:
You'll need to use an Android 13 (API 33) emulator, and androidx.benchmark:benchmark-macro-junit4:1.2.0-alpha06
, which removes the requirement for root, and thus works on Play emulator images. <> <> <> #3
Thanks Chet for opening the issue. "Profile" button is supposed to build, launch, and start profiling the app from the very beginning. It's expected to automatically open the Profiler tool window (the tab, or more technically stripe button). But it's apparently not what you experienced. We have a bug for it, but I cannot find it right now.
The next time when you see the issue, please try clicking the stripe button to open profiler tool window. It should show you the usual profiling graphs.
The next time when you see the issue, please try clicking the stripe button to open profiler tool window. It should show you the usual profiling graphs. <> #4
That's definitely not what I see happening. It opens a "Profile" tab, that simply shows me the command. The "Profiler" tab is separate.
Attaching screenshot of what I seen when I click the Profile icon. Notice the two tabs, and the fact that the Profile tab shows me nothing actionable.
Attaching screenshot of what I seen when I click the Profile icon. Notice the two tabs, and the fact that the Profile tab shows me nothing actionable. <> #5
Note also that when I click the "profiler" tab (which is where the actual profiled timeline I expected lives), I have occasionally (rarely) seen a running profile. More typically, the view will be either blank or showing previous profile data, and I must connect to the profiled process by clicking the + sign. <> #6
also note that this is 100% repro for me, so I'm not sure what you are seeing on your side or why you would see anything different. I'm running the Studio which currently ships with the AndroidX repo, which is Flamingo Canary 7 <> #7
I believe the issue you are seeing is the same as <> #8
It certainly seems like that other bug, although the UI I see in comment #5 ( ) is not the same as I see. That is, my Run Configurations dialog doesn't show that checkbox seen there, so I can't test whether this is the same root cause.
I can't automatically update to the latest canary because this project is part of AndroidX, which inherits the version of that overall project. I will sync soon and see whether they have upgraded yet, I can update the bug whenever they are using F8 or later.
I can't automatically update to the latest canary because this project is part of AndroidX, which inherits the version of that overall project. I will sync soon and see whether they have upgraded yet, I can update the bug whenever they are using F8 or later.
02/13 10:45:32: Launching 'MainActivity' on Google Oriole 64-bit only.
Install successfully finished in 106 ms.
$ adb shell am start -n "" -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER --attach-agent /data/user/0/ --splashscreen-show-icon
Open logcat panel for Google Oriole 64-bit only (16291FDF60004A)
Connected to process 17023 on device 'google-oriole_64_bit_only-16291FDF60004A'.
... but that's it. I don't see any ongoing profile information, and when I stop the app I don't get any report or any information whatsoever from any kind of profiling session.
Maybe it profiled my app, but without any kind of information in the UI about what or where that data is, I can't do anything about it, so it's not useful at all.
Is it that it didn't profile it, or that the UI is... not very welf-explanatory?
Build: AI-222.4345.14.2221.9228443, 202210280044,
AI-222.4345.14.2221.9228443, JRE JetBrains s.r.o., OS Mac OS X(x86_64) v13.1, screens 5120.0x2880.0; Retina
AS: Flamingo | 2022.2.1 Canary 7
Kotlin plugin: 222-1.7.20-release-AS3739.54
Android Gradle Plugin: 8.0.0-alpha07
Gradle: 8.0
Gradle JDK: version 17.0.4
NDK: from module: 23.1.7779620, from module: 23.1.7779620, from (not specified), latest from SDK: 23.1.7779620
CMake: from 3.22.1-g37088a8, latest from SDK: (not found), from PATH: (not found)
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