Status Update
Comments <> #2
Forgot to mention running platform-tools 26.0.0. And Android "O" public beta <> #3
Not to be "that guy" but is there any update on this? Any additional information needed? <> #4
Project: platform/system/core
Branch: master
commit f806a3c303028014eec43894386fbfb117667684
Author: Josh Gao <>
Date: Fri Aug 18 18:25:44 2017
fastboot: gracefully handle failure to open a USB device on OS X.
High Sierra restricts opening some USB devices (e.g. the touchbar)
to processes that have specific entitlements. Ignore devices that we
can't open.
Test: manual
Change-Id: I6074b53a365b8d936610bafea60244f8bba1a33f
M fastboot/usb_osx.cpp
Branch: master
commit f806a3c303028014eec43894386fbfb117667684
Author: Josh Gao <>
Date: Fri Aug 18 18:25:44 2017
fastboot: gracefully handle failure to open a USB device on OS X.
High Sierra restricts opening some USB devices (e.g. the touchbar)
to processes that have specific entitlements. Ignore devices that we
can't open.
Test: manual
Change-Id: I6074b53a365b8d936610bafea60244f8bba1a33f
M fastboot/usb_osx.cpp <> #5
Since OSX 10.13 is being released the 25th of September (in 5 days as of writing), is it possible to create a new Android Platform Tools release, so the impact can be as low as possible? <> #6
Project: platform/system/core
Branch: sdk-release
commit 73f4670f380679ba5e6081968ba7ea992edf51b9
Author: Josh Gao <>
Date: Fri Aug 18 18:25:44 2017
fastboot: gracefully handle failure to open a USB device on OS X.
High Sierra restricts opening some USB devices (e.g. the touchbar)
to processes that have specific entitlements. Ignore devices that we
can't open.
Test: manual
Change-Id: I6074b53a365b8d936610bafea60244f8bba1a33f
(cherry picked from commit f806a3c303028014eec43894386fbfb117667684)
M fastboot/usb_osx.cpp
Branch: sdk-release
commit 73f4670f380679ba5e6081968ba7ea992edf51b9
Author: Josh Gao <>
Date: Fri Aug 18 18:25:44 2017
fastboot: gracefully handle failure to open a USB device on OS X.
High Sierra restricts opening some USB devices (e.g. the touchbar)
to processes that have specific entitlements. Ignore devices that we
can't open.
Test: manual
Change-Id: I6074b53a365b8d936610bafea60244f8bba1a33f
(cherry picked from commit f806a3c303028014eec43894386fbfb117667684)
M fastboot/usb_osx.cpp <> #7
Thanks for the reminder, I'm kicking off the process now. <> #8
Release process is still churning along, until then I've attached the binary we're planning to release that should work on 10.13. <> #10
Sweet, thanks a bunch! <> #11
I think i still have this issue
MacBookPro13,3 (late 16" touchbar)
macOS 10.13 (17A405)
fastboot version 4022467
bnaya@bmbp ~ $ fastboot --version
fastboot version -4022467
Installed as /Users/bnaya/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/fastboot
bnaya@bmbp ~ $ fastboot devices
ERROR: Unable to create a plug-in (e00002be)
Sudo didn't help
MacBookPro13,3 (late 16" touchbar)
macOS 10.13 (17A405)
fastboot version 4022467
bnaya@bmbp ~ $ fastboot --version
fastboot version -4022467
Installed as /Users/bnaya/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/fastboot
bnaya@bmbp ~ $ fastboot devices
ERROR: Unable to create a plug-in (e00002be)
Sudo didn't help <> #12
More info:
when starting adb i see this message
bnaya@bmbp platform-tools $ adb devices
List of devices attached
* daemon not running. starting it now at tcp:5037 *
adb E 10-28 17:42:35 1657 37964 usb_osx.cpp:152] Unable to create an interface plug-in (e00002be)
* daemon started successfully *
LGH815*** device
when starting adb i see this message
bnaya@bmbp platform-tools $ adb devices
List of devices attached
* daemon not running. starting it now at tcp:5037 *
adb E 10-28 17:42:35 1657 37964 usb_osx.cpp:152] Unable to create an interface plug-in (e00002be)
* daemon started successfully *
LGH815*** device <> #13
it not yet fix <> #14
Same error message for me. MacOS 10.13, Platform-tools 26.0.2 <> #15
it seems the version attached in comment#8 actually works on MacOSHighSierra,
(./fastboot version 9dc0875966c0-android ) , but the one (version -4022467) included in 26.0.2 tools release, does not work (it reports the same bug)
I've just flashed fine with the provided version (9dc0875966c0).
(./fastboot version 9dc0875966c0-android ) , but the one (version -4022467) included in 26.0.2 tools release, does not work (it reports the same bug)
I've just flashed fine with the provided version (9dc0875966c0). <> #16
jmgao: did we somehow lose this patch when we fixed the Pixel 2 support bug? <> #17
Yeah, the fastboot we released was from a separate branch. <> <> <> #18
Hi, I have a similar issue. I tried to download the latest platform-tools with fastboot version -4022467 but it still tells me:
ERROR: Unable to create a plug-in (e00002be)
How can I fix it?
Thanks for any help.
ERROR: Unable to create a plug-in (e00002be)
How can I fix it?
Thanks for any help. <> #19
Not working here too. Am using 26.0.2 platform tools + completely updated High Sierra on MBP 2017. <> #20
+1 Stil not working on new MBP running High Sierra, with fully updated platform tools 26.0.2 <> #21
+1 Still not working new MBP with latest sdk. This is a P1 for us <> #22
Platform tools 26.0.2 is not working on High Sierra. I rollback to 26.0.1 and it is working well. <> #23
Where can I find 26.0.1? <> #24
SOLVED: I have downloaded the fastboot file attached in comment #8 above. Then I have replaced it in the platform-tools folder in sdk and now fastboot works again in High Sierra. I can confirm that the newer version in 26.0.2 does not work as the fixed version in comment #8 . NOTE: if the downloaded file has the .dms extension just remove it. It worked for me.
NEW PROBLEM: I think that a similar problem is in the adb because when I issue adb shell I receive the following error:
adb E 11-05 17:05:17 601 15446 usb_osx.cpp:152] Unable to create an interface plug-in (e00002be)
Different from the fastboot in platform-tools 26.0.2, adb works despite this error.
NEW PROBLEM: I think that a similar problem is in the adb because when I issue adb shell I receive the following error:
adb E 11-05 17:05:17 601 15446 usb_osx.cpp:152] Unable to create an interface plug-in (e00002be)
Different from the fastboot in platform-tools 26.0.2, adb works despite this error. <> #25
Can we get a 26.0.3 revision with the fix? Thanks. <> #26
Project: platform/development
Branch: sdk-release
commit 2a75ddf513caf9f971dbecd4474094d5c0f8fcb6
Author: Josh Gao <>
Date: Mon Nov 06 13:29:02 2017
Update platform-tools version to 27.0.0.
Test: none
Change-Id: I1849f0df04af390e8aed716262d2be20efdc3491
M sdk/plat_tools_source.prop_template
Branch: sdk-release
commit 2a75ddf513caf9f971dbecd4474094d5c0f8fcb6
Author: Josh Gao <>
Date: Mon Nov 06 13:29:02 2017
Update platform-tools version to 27.0.0.
Test: none
Change-Id: I1849f0df04af390e8aed716262d2be20efdc3491
M sdk/plat_tools_source.prop_template <> #27
fastboot version -4022467
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.39
Revision 3db08f2c6889-android
I install the latest platform-tools via homebrew
I test on my 2016 MacBook Pro 15' with macOS 10.13.1
fastboot still can't work normally
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.39
Revision 3db08f2c6889-android
I install the latest platform-tools via homebrew
I test on my 2016 MacBook Pro 15' with macOS 10.13.1
fastboot still can't work normally <> #29
What's the solution for someone with a Pixel 2 on High Sierra? 26.0.1 works, however 26.0.2 says it's a fix for Pixel 2, so don't want to break anything using .1 <> #30
Project: platform/development
Branch: master
commit 4592d6f91c24d4cd9f5599c98eebabcb4c3cefcb
Author: Josh Gao <>
Date: Mon Nov 06 13:29:02 2017
Update platform-tools version to 27.0.0.
Test: none
Change-Id: I1849f0df04af390e8aed716262d2be20efdc3491
(cherry picked from commit 2a75ddf513caf9f971dbecd4474094d5c0f8fcb6)
M sdk/plat_tools_source.prop_template
Branch: master
commit 4592d6f91c24d4cd9f5599c98eebabcb4c3cefcb
Author: Josh Gao <>
Date: Mon Nov 06 13:29:02 2017
Update platform-tools version to 27.0.0.
Test: none
Change-Id: I1849f0df04af390e8aed716262d2be20efdc3491
(cherry picked from commit 2a75ddf513caf9f971dbecd4474094d5c0f8fcb6)
M sdk/plat_tools_source.prop_template <> #31
@29: yeah, sorry for the mess. 26.0.1 works on Mac OS 10.13 but doesn't know about the Pixel 2's extra partitions. 26.0.2 knows about the Pixel 2's extra partitions but doesn't work on Mac OS 10.13. We have 27.0.0 going through QA at the moment that will fix both issues. (Linux and Windows are unaffected: 26.0.2 should be fine for them.) we're also addressing the over-complicated process (too many branches!) that led to this mistake in the first place. <> #32
not yet fixed... :(
I hate high Sierra.
I hate high Sierra. <> #33
Sorry, our platform-tools release is still going through QA. In the mean time, I've attached the binary we're planning to release. <> #34
fastboot of #33 works! <> #35
Can also confirm the fastboot binary in #33 worked. <> #36
Does the new release fix also the same problem with adb shell? <> #37
How to use #33 fastboot binary because its not recognized <> #38
I'm blocked by this too :( <> #39
How to use #33 fastboot binary because its not recognized by ? Is this fastboot binary compressed? <> #40
After downloading the binary on OSX, you need to run the command:
chmod +x ./fastboot
Then you should be able to execute it:
./fastboot devices
chmod +x ./fastboot
Then you should be able to execute it:
./fastboot devices <> #41
#########-MacBook-Pro:platform-tools #####$ ./fastboot flashing unlock
ERROR: usb_read failed with status e00002ed
FAILED (status read failed (Undefined error: 0))
finished. total time: 7.613s
ERROR: usb_read failed with status e00002ed
FAILED (status read failed (Undefined error: 0))
finished. total time: 7.613s <> #42
#41: are you using a direct cable from laptop to device, or going via a USB hub? I've seen problems with some hubs before. <> #43
Same problem with ADB on high sierra : Unable to create a plug-in (e00002be)
And can't see my tablet.
Both, tablet and usb cable, are working fine on my windows.
And can't see my tablet.
Both, tablet and usb cable, are working fine on my windows. <> #44
Same problem, unable to create a plug-in <> #45
Fastboot of post #33 worked for me. <> #46
I am connecting directly without a hub. <> #47
Not work for me! <> #48
#33 fastboot gives me an error: permission denied <> #49
How do I now it got fix? <> #50
I tried sdk-platform-tool for version 26.0.2, and it cannot work. <> #51
(instead of ./fastboot, drag and drog the fastboot file from the folder to the terminal after chmod +x) <> #52
by the new one* <> #53
Using #32 fastboot binary flash factory image for pixel, ending with
wiping userdata...
/Users/Admin/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/mke2fs failed with status 1
mke2fs failed: 1
error: Cannot generate image for userdata
is this error related to this issue?
wiping userdata...
/Users/Admin/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/mke2fs failed with status 1
mke2fs failed: 1
error: Cannot generate image for userdata
is this error related to this issue? <> #54
Does mke2fs exist in your directory /Users/Admin/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/? Not sure which package were you using, the zip file in #28 doesn't have mke2fs. I guess the configuration might be mixing newer fastboot binary with older package that doesn't have mke2fs? <> #55
Yeah, here's the full platform tools zip that has mke2fs alongside fastboot: <> #56
Yes, i'm using platform tools 26.0.2, and mke2fs doesn't exit. Thanks for #55 full platform tools zip, it works :)
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #57 not workin for me. <> #58
Same as #57 for me <> #59 <> #60
tried method #8 provided, and even downgrade platform toos to 26.0.1, no lucky. <> <> #61
I cannot unarchive the file from #33 - how can I do that on Mac? <> #62
LOL <> #63
#33 works. Just need to replace the fastboot binary in /usr/local/bin.
Getting a similar error in adb
"adb E 12-06 00:49:22 16767 1879237 usb_osx.cpp:152] Unable to create an interface plug-in (e00002be)"
Anyway related?
Getting a similar error in adb
"adb E 12-06 00:49:22 16767 1879237 usb_osx.cpp:152] Unable to create an interface plug-in (e00002be)"
Anyway related? <> #64
The comment #33 + comment #55 worked for me, thanks! <> #65
Can someone give a detail instructions or youtube video on how to use this binary in #33 because its not working for a lot of us?
Ive a;lo tried #40 and #63 but in #63. It was no fastboot to replace and still not working even after just putting it in afterward to /usr/local/bin location.
Ive a;lo tried #40 and #63 but in #63. It was no fastboot to replace and still not working even after just putting it in afterward to /usr/local/bin location. <> #66
Install the android sdk as you would normally before High Sierra (e.g. install Android Studio or the android-sdk zip) and make sure the platform-tools package is updated. Then replace the fastboot binary in $ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/ with the one in #33. Additional instructions to install the SDK are on . `which fastboot` should return a full path to fastboot binary. <> #67
Thanks #66, I'll try that now...
I'm used just a adb & fastboot files without installing plateform-tools and that's why I don't have the binary. Plus, I'm using the command ----->
Paste this into Terminal:
touch ~/.bash_profile; open ~/.bash_profile
Paste this into your text editor:
export PATH=${PATH}:/Applications/Android
making it able to use in any folder plus not having to use the command "./" in front.
For others reading, change /Applications/Android to where the files "adb and fastboot" are located.
I'm used just a adb & fastboot files without installing plateform-tools and that's why I don't have the binary. Plus, I'm using the command ----->
Paste this into Terminal:
touch ~/.bash_profile; open ~/.bash_profile
Paste this into your text editor:
export PATH=${PATH}:/Applications/Android
making it able to use in any folder plus not having to use the command "./" in front.
For others reading, change /Applications/Android to where the files "adb and fastboot" are located. <> #68
I've got the latest version, and I'm still facing this error
$ brew cask info android-platform-tools
android-platform-tools: 26.0.2
/usr/local/Caskroom/android-platform-tools/26.0.2 (1,831 files, 25.5MB)
$ brew cask info android-platform-tools
android-platform-tools: 26.0.2
/usr/local/Caskroom/android-platform-tools/26.0.2 (1,831 files, 25.5MB) <> #69
#68: 27.0.0 is the latest version, downloadable from that link (though the release notes aren't updated yet). if "brew" is giving you an old version, you need to take that up with them... <> #70
thanks for clarifying the issue with the release notes. <> <> #71
below is what i'm suggesting the release notes should say (when it's no longer the weekend and i can get someone to review the change). i'll see about getting "update the platform tools release notes" on the Studio release checklist too, so this doesn't get forgotten in future...
#### 27.0.0 (December 2017)
+ Combines the fastboot fixes from 26.0.1 for macOS 10.13 hosts and from
26.0.2 for Pixel 2 devices.
#### 26.0.2 (October 2017)
+ Add fastboot support for Pixel 2 devices. (But reintroduce the macOS 10.13
fastboot bug fixed in 26.0.1.)
#### 27.0.0 (December 2017)
+ Combines the fastboot fixes from 26.0.1 for macOS 10.13 hosts and from
26.0.2 for Pixel 2 devices.
#### 26.0.2 (October 2017)
+ Add fastboot support for Pixel 2 devices. (But reintroduce the macOS 10.13
fastboot bug fixed in 26.0.1.) <> #72
Hi, I'm trying to flash latest Oreo 8.1 on nexus 5x but after ./ return me error e00002be. Debug its enabled on lineage, whats the problem? <> #73
It seems I am having a very similar issue but upgrading to the newest platform-tools or the above provided files did not help.
I have MacOS High Sierra, and after connecting to a device remotely by calling adb connect 192.168.x.x it says "connected to device xxxx:port_number" but after that I cannot see any device connected and "adb devices" returns nothing.
Connecting over USB works just fine.
I have MacOS High Sierra, and after connecting to a device remotely by calling adb connect 192.168.x.x it says "connected to device xxxx:port_number" but after that I cannot see any device connected and "adb devices" returns nothing.
Connecting over USB works just fine. <> #74
this bug is for fastboot (which, other than updating the release notes, is fixed.) is for adb. <> #76
Am I the only one still having this issue even when using the new platform-tools? <> #77
Remember to use ./fastboot from the download folder, not simply fastboot. <> #78
WOW! I totally forgot the "./" Sorry Mac noob here. It works. Thanks! <> #79
How should i install this new platform-tools to use it with just the command fastboot in terminal (without using the platform-tools directory)? <> #80
It still doesn't work! <> #81
It still doesn't work for me too. <> #82
I have the same problem <> <> #83
no devices/emulators found @-@! <> <> #84
Not working for me either :/ <> <> #85
Doesn't work! Please fix it! <> #86
#80 <> #87
no longer working for me <> #88
This issue marked as fixed for SDK Platform tools version 27.0.1.
please provide below info if this issue reproduces again
1. Host operating system version details
2. SDK Platform tools version
3. ./fastboot --version
4. Android device details
please provide below info if this issue reproduces again
1. Host operating system version details
2. SDK Platform tools version
3. ./fastboot --version
4. Android device details <> #89
Still failing for me:
1. OSX version: 10.13.3
2. SDK Platform tools version 27.0.1
3. ./fastboot --version: 0.0.1-4500957
4. Android device: Amazfit Stratos Watch 2, (device enters in fastboot mode but it is not listed using ./fastboot devices)
1. OSX version: 10.13.3
2. SDK Platform tools version 27.0.1
3. ./fastboot --version: 0.0.1-4500957
4. Android device: Amazfit Stratos Watch 2, (device enters in fastboot mode but it is not listed using ./fastboot devices) <> #90
1. OSX version: 10.12.6
2. SKD Platform tools version 27.0.1
3. fastboot versions:
- 27.0.0-4455170
- 9dc0875966c0-android
- 0.0.1-4500957
4. Android device: Amazfit Stratos Watch 2, (device enters in fastboot mode but it is not listed using ./fastboot devices)
2. SKD Platform tools version 27.0.1
3. fastboot versions:
- 27.0.0-4455170
- 9dc0875966c0-android
- 0.0.1-4500957
4. Android device: Amazfit Stratos Watch 2, (device enters in fastboot mode but it is not listed using ./fastboot devices) <> #91
OSX version: 10.13.3
SDK Platform tools version 27.0.1
./fastboot --version
fastboot version 0.0.1-4500957
./fastboot devices
- no devices
Android device: ASUS Zenpad Z170C (Android 5.0.1)
SDK Platform tools version 27.0.1
./fastboot --version
fastboot version 0.0.1-4500957
./fastboot devices
- no devices
Android device: ASUS Zenpad Z170C (Android 5.0.1) <> #92
OSX version 10.13.4
LG G3 Europe (lg-d855)
fastboot --version
fastboot version 0.0.1-4500957
Installed as /Users/toto/Documents/lg/platform-tools/fastboot
Toto:platform-tools toto$ fastboot devices
Toto:platform-tools toto$
(no output)
./adb devices works fine
LG G3 Europe (lg-d855)
fastboot --version
fastboot version 0.0.1-4500957
Installed as /Users/toto/Documents/lg/platform-tools/fastboot
Toto:platform-tools toto$ fastboot devices
Toto:platform-tools toto$
(no output)
./adb devices works fine <> #93
Hi Google,
are you going to fix that? Thanks! :)
are you going to fix that? Thanks! :) <> #94
if a device shows up in `adb devices` it won't show up in `fastboot devices` and vice versa. a device can only be in one of the two modes at any given time. <> #95
Comment has been deleted. <> #96
I'm having the same issue as described above: adb mode success, fastboot failure
OSX 10.13.4 (17E202)
SDK Platform tools version 27.0.1
fastboot version 0.0.1-4500957
OnePlus 3T running Android 8.0.0
OSX 10.13.4 (17E202)
SDK Platform tools version 27.0.1
fastboot version 0.0.1-4500957
OnePlus 3T running Android 8.0.0 <> #97
same thing here.. :( <> #98
same thing here.. :( <> #99
Still this error. This is absolutely ridiculous! <> #100
I want to know who has been changing and controlling my phone. Thank you, Cristal Gornto. <> #101
Same thing for me also :(
OSX 10.13.5 (17F77)
SDK platform-tools_r28.0.0-darwin
fastboot version 28.0.0-4797878
Galaxy s6 | Android 7
OSX 10.13.5 (17F77)
SDK platform-tools_r28.0.0-darwin
fastboot version 28.0.0-4797878
Galaxy s6 | Android 7 <> #102
Still Not Working <> <> #103
Is it really that hard to fix this bug for google experts ????
Come on Google do something about it !!!
Come on Google do something about it !!! <> #104
still does not work :(
sh-3.2# ./fastboot devices
ERROR: Unable to create a plug-in (e00002be)
sh-3.2# ./fastboot devices
ERROR: Unable to create a plug-in (e00002be) <> #105
this is still happening it is not fixed <> #106
I have to use a fast boot execute file from like 4 years ago lol <> #107
fastboot works well
fastboot version <> #108
fastbooot command is not working on mac High Sierra <> #109 <> #110
Support onlyforthefutureofthesameplaceinUSBdebuggingonlyto make sure that the product is not the same place as you can imagineandbesuccessfulinyour business with a new one or a long term solution to your problem and the ability to connect with your customers and customers with the best service provider in the world of your business or customer service or service to your company directly from the internet or by phone <> #111
Comment has been deleted. <> #112
Comment has been deleted. <> #113 <> #114 <> #115
#55 Worked for me. Thanks <> #116
Same problem here... fastboot hangs when I give it more than one command:
1. OSX version: 10.14.2
2. SKD Platform tools version: n/a (using fastboot light install)
3. fastboot version:
- 28.0.1-4986621
4. Android device: Nvidia Shield TV
1. OSX version: 10.14.2
2. SKD Platform tools version: n/a (using fastboot light install)
3. fastboot version:
- 28.0.1-4986621
4. Android device: Nvidia Shield TV <> #117
Similar problem as above here... fastboot gives this error whatever I try (fastboot devices, info, etc):
ERROR: Couldn't create a device interface iterator: (e00002bd)
ERROR: Couldn't create a device interface iterator: (e00002bd)
ERROR: Couldn't create a device interface iterator: (e00002bd)
1. OSX version: 10.14.2
2. SKD Platform tools version: n/a (using fastboot light install)
3. fastboot version:
- 28.0.1-4986621
4. android device: anything, does not matter.
ERROR: Couldn't create a device interface iterator: (e00002bd)
ERROR: Couldn't create a device interface iterator: (e00002bd)
ERROR: Couldn't create a device interface iterator: (e00002bd)
1. OSX version: 10.14.2
2. SKD Platform tools version: n/a (using fastboot light install)
3. fastboot version:
- 28.0.1-4986621
4. android device: anything, does not matter. <> #118
tried another mac, only different with the last post is
OSX Version: 10.14.4 Beta (18E194d)
OSX Version: 10.14.4 Beta (18E194d) <> #119
Same issue. macOS 10.14.4 Build: 18E220a <> #120
All you motherfuckers are bitches for hacking my phone <> #121
Same issue on macOS 10.14.4 (18E226)/ADT 28.0.2
Darwin Kernel Version 18.5.0; root:xnu-4903.251.3~3/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
Every fastboot command returns:
ERROR: Couldn't create a device interface iterator: (e00002bd)
Darwin Kernel Version 18.5.0; root:xnu-4903.251.3~3/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
Every fastboot command returns:
ERROR: Couldn't create a device interface iterator: (e00002bd) <> #122
Same issue for me on macOS 10.14.4 (18E226)
Tried multiple versions of fastboot and it has the same issue.
Tried multiple versions of fastboot and it has the same issue.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #123
Same problem:
$ fastboot devices
ERROR: Couldn't create a device interface iterator: (e00002bd)
macOS: 10.14.4
fastboot: 28.0.2-5303910
$ fastboot devices
ERROR: Couldn't create a device interface iterator: (e00002bd)
macOS: 10.14.4
fastboot: 28.0.2-5303910 <> #124
Same issue on 10.14.4 (18E226)
ERROR: Couldn't create a device interface iterator: (e00002bd)
ERROR: Couldn't create a device interface iterator: (e00002bd)
ERROR: Couldn't create a device interface iterator: (e00002bd)
ERROR: Couldn't create a device interface iterator: (e00002bd)
➜ ~ fastboot --version
fastboot version 28.0.2-5303910
ERROR: Couldn't create a device interface iterator: (e00002bd)
ERROR: Couldn't create a device interface iterator: (e00002bd)
ERROR: Couldn't create a device interface iterator: (e00002bd)
ERROR: Couldn't create a device interface iterator: (e00002bd)
➜ ~ fastboot --version
fastboot version 28.0.2-5303910 <> #125
Exactly same issue on 10.14.4 (18E226)
$ fastboot devices
ERROR: Couldn't create a device interface iterator: (e00002bd)
$ fastboot devices
ERROR: Couldn't create a device interface iterator: (e00002bd) <> #126
Have any solutions? Same here in macos 10.14.4.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #127
macos 10.14.4
fastboot version 28.0.2-5303910
~/Downloads/crosshatch-pq2a.190405.003 ᐅ fastboot devices
ERROR: Couldn't create a device interface iterator: (e00002bd)
ERROR: Couldn't create a device interface iterator: (e00002bd)
{my_device_id} fastboot
Still seeing the same kernel console output:
`default 22:37:38.850733 -0700 kernel 495549.216174 fastboot@(null): IOUSBUserClientLegacy::start: missing entitlement`
I'm guessing not _everyone_ is seeing this, else it'd be a higher sev/pri?
fastboot version 28.0.2-5303910
~/Downloads/crosshatch-pq2a.190405.003 ᐅ fastboot devices
ERROR: Couldn't create a device interface iterator: (e00002bd)
ERROR: Couldn't create a device interface iterator: (e00002bd)
{my_device_id} fastboot
Still seeing the same kernel console output:
`default 22:37:38.850733 -0700 kernel 495549.216174 fastboot@(null): IOUSBUserClientLegacy::start: missing entitlement`
I'm guessing not _everyone_ is seeing this, else it'd be a higher sev/pri? <> #129
I am having the same issue with fastboot 28.0.2-5303910 after upgrading to macos 10.14.4 and i also see this in the kernel console
fastboot@(null): IOUSBUserClientLegacy::start: missing entitlement
fastboot@(null): IOUSBUserClientLegacy::start: missing entitlement <> #130
This might be a regression because fastboot version 9dc0875966c0-android from android-platform-tools 26.0.1 is working just fine on macOS 10.14.4 <> #131
Fixed on any version? <> #132
This isn't fixed ... why it's marked with this status :
? <> #133
10 QT 5602026
Observing the same error while flashing on MAC Sierra ERROR: Couldn't create a device interface iterator: (e00002bd)
Observing the same error while flashing on MAC Sierra ERROR: Couldn't create a device interface iterator: (e00002bd) <> #134
android-platform-tools 26.0.1 now does not work on OSX 10.14.5
welp. <> #135
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41
Version 28.0.3-5475833
Installed as /Users/lengxianfeng/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb
~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb nodaemon server
adb E 06-05 11:10:31 23487 106568 usb_osx.cpp:159] Unable to create an interface plug-in (e00002be)
Terminated: 15
Version 28.0.3-5475833
Installed as /Users/lengxianfeng/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb
~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb nodaemon server
adb E 06-05 11:10:31 23487 106568 usb_osx.cpp:159] Unable to create an interface plug-in (e00002be)
Terminated: 15 <> <> #136
fastboot version 29.0.0-5611747 - it works) <> #137 Restricted
Comment has been deleted. <> #138 Restricted
Comment has been deleted. <> #139
OBI <> #140
All fucking shit off china,delete ittt