Status Update
Comments <> #2
We have shared this with our product and engineering team and will update this issue with more information as it becomes available.
No update yet.
We have shared this with our product and engineering team and will update this issue with more information as it becomes available.
1. Adding `android:targetSandboxVersion="2"` to AndroidManifest
1. Adding `<dist:module dist:instant="true" />` to AndroidManifest
2. Adding `implementation ''` in build.gradle
(generally, I followed all steps listed here:
The app has a 13 MB download size. I then upload it to Google Play and take the following steps:
1. Generate an AAB of my app using Android Studio -> Build -> GenerateSignedBundle
2. Open Google Play console and Create a New App.
3. Go to Advanced Settings -> Form Factors and add Google Play Instant
4. Go to Internal Testing and add a new release under `Phones, Tablet, Chrome OS`, uploading the AAB from step 1
5. Promote this release to Closed Testing
(this step is only required to fix a bug(?) where the Play Console stops me from uploading an Instant App until
I've tried to promote the existing app to Closed Testing, see Question 2 below)
6. Go back to Internal Testing, and on the top right choose "Instant App Only" to get on the Instant Track. Add a
new release, this time selecting the same ABB as Step 3 via "Add from Library"
7. Add testers, ensure testers have opted in
8. Open the Google Play link on tester device
Result: 'Try Now' button is not visible
Some questions:
1. For an Instant App to work, is it required that there's an Installed app module _and_ an Instant app module? Or is it ok to _only_ have a single `app` module, like I do?
2. When I try to upload an Instant App to the Instant Apps Only section of the Internal Testing track in Google Play, I get a message saying I need to publish an App first. To get around this, I submitted the app to Closed Testing, which causes the error message to go away. Is this a bug? Why would I need to submit to Closed Testing in order for Internal Testing of an Instant App to work?
3. If I try to upload an Instant App to the Instant Apps Only section of the Internal Track in Google Play, it first requires me to upload an app to the "Standard Track" (Phones, Tablet, Chrome OS). Is this a bug? However, as per Question 1, in my case I _only_ have a module for an Instant App). To get around this, I upload the same app to the Standard Track and the Instant App Only track.
4. How long does it take for the Try Now button to appear? Am I just not waiting long enough?
After trying all these workarounds, I still can't get the "Try Now" button to appear. I've also followed every piece of advice on Stack Overflow, and every piece of advice in the Google Play documentation. I've also tried using Google's Sample Instant App code and even this fails to create the Try Now button. Would appreciate some concise documentation and an example with step-by-step instructions.