Status Update
Comments <> <> <> #2
Any updates on this? It's been a month already since I reported it, and it seems this crash is occurring quite frequently for my users. <> #3
I am still regularly receiving reports about this issue, and it seems it has not been addressed in the latest 1.4.0-rc01 release.
My request:
Offer a support library for all Android versions, to guess what are the regional preferences that best suit to the user.
This can be useful for apps that have regional preferences within them, so they could use something better than to let the user choose after they are being wrong.
This can also be useful for Android 14 itself, on the initial setup of the OS.
The library could also communicate with Play Services if needed, in case it has better clues about what the user would prefer.
We should be able to choose the source of where to guess it from, including a static source which is based on simple parameters (geographic location, country, or locale, for example).
For example, in Israel (locale is "IW") :
Temperature is Celsius, first day of the week is Sunday, Calendar is app-default (Hebrew is mostly used for holidays) and the digits are normal digits (1,2,3,...)
If there are multiple guesses, you could sort things differently and suggesting the guesses at the top.