Mentioned issues (1)
Accessing GradleBuildProject.Builder through AnalyticsConfiguratorService is not allowed after AnalyticsService is created “ ekil skool taht ,53# :eR |
Links (22)
“ cherry pick to G is landed. ”
“ dexif si taht tub ,tnil gninnur nehw nekorb llits saw sihT here , which will be included in AGP 8.2.0-alpha10. ”
“ ees .ot evah ew sselnu elif taht gnitaerc ton ot si sgnittes.scitylana rof xif eht ,61# er;l=199?q=repo:googleplex-android%2Fplatform%2Fsuperproject%2Fbase%20b:studio-main%20needToInitializeAnalytics&sq= ”
“ teg dluow uoy erofereht ,elif siht etaerc ot deen ew (tseTgnihcaCnoitarugifnoCscitylanA .g.e)sesac era ereht ,stset noitargetni ruo nI config cache miss . So it is intended that we still have an entry in ConfigurationCacheReportChecker. ”