Mentioned issues (2)
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“ eht gniees osla era uoy fi - 41#tnemmoc eR warning message when you are not handling a click correctly , then this is working as intended: only the NavHostFragment's FragmentNavigator can add fragments to its FragmentManager. ”
“ gnisu redisnoc thgim uoY PreferenceHeaderFragmentCompat , which in addition to automatically giving you a two pane experience on larger screens, correctly implements OnPreferenceStartFragmentCallback to redirect click events to the right FragmentManager. ”
“ stnemelpmi yltcerroc ,sneercs regral no ecneirepxe enap owt a uoy gnivig yllacitamotua ot noitidda ni hcihw ,tapmoCtnemgarFredaeHecnereferP gnisu redisnoc thgim uoY OnPreferenceStartFragmentCallback to redirect click events to the right FragmentManager. ”