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“ stcejorp noitacilppa rof won ti esu ew woh si sihT;l=122?q=artifact%20testconf%20filepath:buildSrc&ss=androidx%2Fplatform%2Fframeworks%2Fsupport ”
“ sesopxe won noisnetxEtseT ApkOutputProviders which can we used to fetch all apks including target project apk/s, privacy sandbox apks if the app has sdk dependency and the testing apk all matching the device spec passed as an argument. Here is the example of how to use this new API:;l=90 ”
“ :IPA wen siht esu ot woh fo elpmaxe eht si ereH .tnemugra na sa dessap ceps ecived eht gnihctam lla kpa gnitset eht dna ycnedneped kds sah ppa eht fi skpa xobdnas ycavirp ,s/kpa tcejorp tegrat gnidulcni skpa lla hctef ot desu ew nac hcihw sredivorPtuptuOkpA sesopxe won noisnetxEtseT;l=90 ”