Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thank you for your feedback. I understand that this is a frustrating experience - we aren't in a super easy spot with Swipeable. It currently has a number of critical bugs that need to be addressed first (we are working on this), which is why we are limiting the surface we are exposing for Swipeable in M3 for the time. Our plan for the coming months is to focus on this specific area and improve developer experience.
Material 3 for Jetpack Compose is still in alpha - this means we consider components production-ready, but the API shape is flexible while in alpha. This gives us space to iterate while getting real-world feedback from developers, which ultimately helps improve your experience. Copy-pasting source code for components that are not (fully) implemented or exposed in an alpha version can be a good thing to do in the meantime! Owning the source code while the API shape is still flexible gives you a number of benefits like ease of updating dependencies, even if the APIs change, and allows you to evolve your components in your own pace.
We are aware of your request to expose rememberSwipeableStateFor in M3 though and will do so when the time is right and Swipeable in a good enough spot. I will close this issue in favor of <> #3
..and no such anger. Sorry about that. Agree, close this. And thank you for your considerations. :) <> #4
Just asking, do you have a reference to the critical bugs in swipeable
? I'm using the M2 variant and I'm actually pretty happy with it... Curious about which issues I can expect with it. <> <> #5 Restricted+ <> #6
That makes sense, because that is what I'm using it for. :-) I wanted my UI screens to be swipeable a la Telegram (
Sadly the navigation
authors are <> #7
I've noticed one little glitch. Velocity seems to be too high if I 'jiggle' the swipeable element and then release. See attached video: the pane is swiped all the way even though I wouldn't expect it to for such a small drag.
Maybe it's the same issue as <> #9
Hi, we hear your frustration and as my colleague pointed out, we are balancing many factors when committing to API surfaces. Each API goes through multiple internal reviews and we do read through all feedback/bugs as input on what APIs we build next. We ask for patience and we appreciate the time you've taken to give us input from the community!
However, all-caps aggressive complaints like
Jetpack Compose version:
Jetpack Compose component used:
Android Studio Build:
Kotlin version:
The Material 3
shows the UTC date instead of the local time zone. Using the code below, the expected selected date in theDatePicker
should beMay 19, 2023
but it shows May 20, 2023.