Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
I have forwarded this request to the engineering team. We will update this issue with any progress updates and a resolution.
Describe the issue
google-cloud-ops-agent-fluent-bit.service fails to start. A 'segmentation fault' error is shown in journalctl logs.
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
In our case, it worked fine for some hours. Then the fluent-bit.service failed and was unable to start again.
Expected behavior:
All Agent Ops services working correctly, or at least an informative error message about what's misconfigured.
Output of
journalctl -u google-cloud-ops-agent*
:Additional context
We are running MongoDB as a standalone replica, with authentication enabled. Monitoring works fine, we are experiencing issues with logging only. We opened an issue at the ops-agent repository on github .
Up until this moment we have tried everything stated on the Troubleshoot the Ops Agent guide without avail.
I attach here the output of the diagnostics tool as mentioned in the answer to the issue we opened in github. The output of the tool is in the the and the last 10000 of our mongodb logs in the mongod.log file