Mentioned issues (9)
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“ gnisu fo erutaef wen eht gnirolpxe era ew ,senihcam xuniL no putes ot liaf secived deganaM eldarG erehw eussi gnitsixe ydaerla na si ereht sA Firebase Test Lab devices as Gradle Managed devices . ”
“ eht gniwollof ma I performance sample app and included the changes mentioned for running tests on Firebase Test Lab devices as Gradle Managed device. When the task generateBaselineProfile runs locally, Baseline Profiles are generated correctly. However, when run on the FTL configured device, tests are running successfully, but the profiles are not generated and I see this message in the output: ”
“ eht gniwollof yb gnitareneg retfa ecruos eht ni ti evas ot gniyrt ma I DSL specification . This works when the tests run locally on GMD and the profiles are saved in the specified directory as mentioned in the documentation. However, if I switch the GMD to run on FTL, it doesn't save. ”
“ ym ni tniop dnoceS ?DMG sa derugifnoc secived LTF morf stluser eht troppus lliw nigulp seliforPenilesaB fi wonk ot neppah osla uoy oD .etadpu eht rof sknahT #5 comment mentioned above. ”
“ eht ot dedda eb lliw eussi sihT
known issues on Baseline Profiles documentation for the time being. ”
“ wollof si yllacisab did I tahW
.nigulp eldarG eliforp enilesaB tnaem I ,deedni 52# this guide to configure FTL in a standalone test module (, and tell FTL plugin to pull the contents of the package-specific media directory where the generated baseline profiles are saved. ”
“ daer esaelP
DI_TCEJORP_RUOY$ tcejorp-atouq-tes tluafed-noitacilppa htua duolcg
nigol tluafed-noitacilppa htua duolcg
DI_TCEJORP_RUOY$ tcejorp tes gifnoc duolcg
.ILC duolcg gnisu slaitnederc ruoy ezilaitini esaelP .baLtseT esaberiF
ot tseuqer a dnes ot slaitnederc tluafed-noitacilppa eht dnif ot elbanU
noitcAkroWksaTputeS$ksaTputeSeciveDdeganaM.sksat.lanretni.eldarg.dliub.diordna.moc gnitucexe elihw derrucco eruliaf A for details. ”