Mentioned issues (2)
Links (13)
“ cirteMgnimiTemarF gninnur m'I benchmark with CompilationMode.Full() and StartupMode.WARM. The interactions with the app run correctly, but at the end of the first iteration, it crashes. ”
“ ecnadiug CAD)
.esac emas eht si kramhcneborcaM esilaer t'ndid I ,lanimret morf gninnur yllaunam nehw ti esu ot deen uoy ti noitnem eW .kramhcneborcaM morf gnicartlluf trats nac uoy ,ppa ruoy oT ) ”
“ ni skloF performance samples mention this doesn't work the way you described (having binaries in macrobench + runtime in target). ”
“ :taht ot detniop noitatnemucod eht sa tnenopmoc gnicarT rednu eussi emas eht desiar osla evah I ”
“ :ssergorp ni LC) erehw dna dda ot ycnedneped tahw resu eht llet dna seiranib eht dnif tonnac ew nehw kramhcneb eht (hsarc) noitpecxe na worhthttp://aosp/2743602 ) ”