Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thanks for your suggestion! We are currently evaluating this request, but do not have any plans to implement it at the moment. Please star to add your vote and receive further updates, and feel free to add any comments to discuss your use case. <> #3
I've transitioned from this team. Thanks! <> #4
any fixes on this yet? <> #5
And now? <> #6
Any update on this feature request? <> #7
Any news on this feature?
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What would you like to see us add to this API?What would you like to see us add to this API?
What part of the API (please specify, a library, or the code module)?
Please describe how the feature should work:
On Google Maps, businesses can add product details or food items ("dishes") from a menu to their store or restaurant "place".
How do we get this data? In the Google Place Api, Places details this information is not specified.
Please give a use case or explain where and why you need this feature:
In my case, I', getting the near places (restaurants, pharmacies,...), and I need to get the menu items and pricing list for each place.