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“ ereh tniop kaerb a gnidda yb eldarg htiw gninnur dliub a gubed ot si secart eht teg ot yaw evitceffe tsom eht ,wonk I sa raf sA which is why we need a sample project. Other than that, we have to guess based on path name from the report. ”
“ gnisu tih ehcac gifnoc a evah ew fi kcehc dna *.kdn.noitargetni.eldarg.dliub.diordna.moc ekil stset noitargetni xxc rof wor a ni eciwt dliub gninnuR link sounds like a good way to reproduce the problem. ”
“ ssalc "repleh" a sah PGA .ecruoSeulaV edisni sllac elif eht od ot si xif ot si eldarG yb dednemmocer yaw ehT ConfigPhaseFileCreator which is used for that purpose. An example of how we fix file creation issue during config phase is here ”
“ si esahp gifnoc gnirud eussi noitaerc elif xif ew woh fo elpmaxe nA .esoprup taht rof desu si hcihw rotaerCeliFesahPgifnoC ssalc "repleh" a sah PGA .ecruoSeulaV edisni sllac elif eht od ot si xif ot si eldarG yb dednemmocer yaw ehT here ”
“ morf edoc ecruos eldarg tsetal eht daolnwod and open it in intellij ”