2.6.0-alpha05 NavController visibleEntries flow contains many wrong entries
Mentioned issues (1)
Crash when navigating in onResume when using Navigation 2.6.0-beta01 and latest 2.6.0-SNAPSHOT
“ rof xif a fo trap sA b/279644470 in aosp/2566210, when the fragment view is destroyed, we would mark the transitioning (outgoing) entry as complete only if the entry has also been removed from backstack. However, in the simple navigate() case where the outgoing entry is not popped and remains in the backstack, this entry is not marked complete and ends up in the visibleEntries even though the view has been destroyed. ”
“ eht rep sa taht etoNvisibleEntries documentation, it is expected that there are entries that are in the CREATED state - those are the entries that are in the process of being removed (i.e., they are no longer in the back stack, but have not yet marked their transition as complete). ”