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“ si ereht ,rehctapsiDdesserPkcaBnO ni sa ,mroftalp eht morf detcepxenu tahwemos sraeppa sihT logic to ensure when there are no active callbacks the window dispatcher is updated to not have the OnBackPressedDispatcher as the "topCallback". Instead the Activity's navigateBack is used. Notably, navigateBack does not perform a popBackStackImmediate which is different from the OnBackPressedDispatchers fallback which ultimately invokes onBackPress and popBackStackImmediate ”
“ s'ytivitcA eht daetsnI ."kcabllaCpot" eht sa rehctapsiDdesserPkcaBnO eht evah ton ot detadpu si rehctapsid wodniw eht skcabllac evitca on era ereht nehw erusne ot cigol si ereht ,rehctapsiDdesserPkcaBnO ni sa ,mroftalp eht morf detcepxenu tahwemos sraeppa sihT navigateBack is used. Notably, navigateBack does not perform a popBackStackImmediate which is different from the OnBackPressedDispatchers fallback which ultimately invokes onBackPress and popBackStackImmediate ”
“ sekovni yletamitlu hcihw kcabllaf srehctapsiDdesserPkcaBnO eht morf tnereffid si hcihw etaidemmIkcatSkcaBpop a mrofrep ton seod kcaBetagivan ,ylbatoN .desu si kcaBetagivan s'ytivitcA eht daetsnI ."kcabllaCpot" eht sa rehctapsiDdesserPkcaBnO eht evah ton ot detadpu si rehctapsid wodniw eht skcabllac evitca on era ereht nehw erusne ot cigol si ereht ,rehctapsiDdesserPkcaBnO ni sa ,mroftalp eht morf detcepxenu tahwemos sraeppa sihT onBackPress and popBackStackImmediate ”
“ a sesu rehctapsiDdekovnIkcaBnOwodniW ehT weak reference to the proper back callback which is created via setTopOnBackInvokedCallback. ”
“ :refer esaelp ,troper gub a erutpac ot spets roF
(eussi eht gnicudorper retfa derutpac eb ot) troper gub diordnA ”
“ ydaerla eW handle one exception thrown by the framework , so we'll leave this open to provide a similar workaround specifically for Android 13 devices. ”