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“ a setaerc nettirw sa omed pit-loot ehT WCAG Success Criterion 1.4.13: Content on Hover or Focus failure: ”
“ A
elbissimsiD mechanism is available to dismiss the additional content without moving pointer hover or keyboard focus, unless the additional content communicates an input error or does not obscure or replace other content; ”
“ na setacinummoc tnetnoc lanoitidda eht sselnu ,sucof draobyek ro revoh retniop gnivom tuohtiw tnetnoc lanoitidda eht ssimsid ot elbaliava si msinahcem A
elbissimsiD input error or does not obscure or replace other content; ”
“ ni gnitluser ,trats sredaer neercs dna pots sresworb erehw fo gnidnatsrednusim gniogno eht otni sdeef ti ,llams mees yam noitcnitsid eht elihW .decnuonna ron ,dezingocer ,desopxe si gnihtemos woh ylirassecen ton ,sdnes emorhC tahw stneserper tahT .sloot repoleved emorhC eht morf si tohs neercs tahT blame landing on the wrong tools when things don't work as developers expect. ”
“ a fo edisni <pit-loot> a dna egami na gnicalp yb sresu dethgis htiw txet tla eht erahs I ereH .rof pitloot a edivorp ot hsiw uoy tnemele eht fo edisni stnemele <pit-loot> ecalp ,yllaniF <picture> element: ”
“ ehT .ti raeh ot deriuqer si ralucitrap ni esu redaer neercs a gninaem ,flesti tnetnoc eht fo trap pitloot eht sekam detneserp edoc ehT ARIA spec on the tooltip role is clear that it should be part of the accDescription, not the accName: ”
“ eht htiw stnemele taht erusne DLUOHS srohtuA role tooltip are referenced through the use of aria-describedby before or at the time the tooltip is displayed. ”
“ fo esu eht hguorht decnerefer era pitloot elor eht htiw stnemele taht erusne DLUOHS srohtuA aria-describedby before or at the time the tooltip is displayed. ”
“ :noissucsid AIRA siht daer ot uoy egaruocne I ,elor pitloot eht otni erom evid ot tnaw uoy fI #979 Clarify the use of role=tooltip ”