Status Update
Comments <> #3
Upon some more investigation, I've noticed that Excusing a submission via the UI simply removes it from calculation of overall grade within the UI. However, the actual score of the submission does not change -- in my original case reported above, the original score I gave to the submission was 0, and then I marked it as Excused.
In my opinion, at least one of the two should change with regards to the behavior of Excusing an assignment:
1. Any original score returned to the student should be erased from the submission entirely. This should make the returned grade empty/null, so the API response does not need any special indicator for an excused grade.
2. If a returned grade should still be associated with a submission (but not count towards the overall grade like the Google Classroom UI calculates), then this same flag/indicator should be exposed via the API so that a similar overall grade calculation can be performed from the API response.
In my opinion, at least one of the two should change with regards to the behavior of Excusing an assignment:
1. Any original score returned to the student should be erased from the submission entirely. This should make the returned grade empty/null, so the API response does not need any special indicator for an excused grade.
2. If a returned grade should still be associated with a submission (but not count towards the overall grade like the Google Classroom UI calculates), then this same flag/indicator should be exposed via the API so that a similar overall grade calculation can be performed from the API response.
From b/232379893#comment18 :
AGPBI: {"kind":"error","text":"java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "$KnownApiLevel.getApiLevel()" because the return value of "" is null","sources":[{"file":"/Users/jianinz/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-reflect/1.8.21/662838019bc1141f8a311180d93b9e13765c7f55/kotlin-reflect-1.8.21.jar"}],"tool":"R8"}