Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Thank you for reporting this issue. For us to further investigate this issue, please provide the following additional information:
Please provide sample project or apk to reproduce the issue. Also mention the steps to be followed for reproducing the issue with the given sample project or apk.
Expected output
What is the expected output?
Current output
What is the current output? <> #3
How can you possibly need more information, i just told you the exact part of code causing the issue, and the code changes required to fix it!
Please read the description.
Expected output:
What is the expected output?
See attached "expected.webm" video in OP
Current output
What is the current output?
See attached "actual.webm" video in OP
Please read the description.
Expected output:
What is the expected output?
See attached "expected.webm" video in OP
Current output
What is the current output?
See attached "actual.webm" video in OP <> #4
1. Import attached project
2. Install and run on Android 5 (Lollipop) or above
3. Click FAB and see it fall below/behind the navigation bar once the Snackbar disappear
2. Install and run on Android 5 (Lollipop) or above
3. Click FAB and see it fall below/behind the navigation bar once the Snackbar disappear <> #5
Could you please check the attached project as we couldn't extract the files from it. <> #6
Comment has been deleted. <> #7 Restricted
Comment has been deleted.
I have implemented Baseline Profiles, I can also see baseline files assets/dexopt/ in the APK.
After uploading and installing app from Play Store Internal Track I am getting result of ProfileVerifier.getCompilationStatusAsync().get() as RESULT_CODE_PROFILE_ENQUEUED_FOR_COMPILATION(2) instead of RESULT_CODE_COMPILED_WITH_PROFILE(1)
As per the NowInAndroid documentation it says "When delivering through Google Play, the baseline profile is compiled during installation. In this case you will see the correct state logged without any further action necessary. To verify baseline profile installation locally, you need to manually trigger baseline profile installation"
But then this is not happening for Play Installed build until i run adb shell cmd package compile -f -m speed-profile com.example
Source for Above Documentation: