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“ sreggirt reven tnemgarF yb dellac noitarud 0 a htiw yb dellac ()noitisnarTdeyaleDnigeb eht taht si siht fo esuac eht eveileb I this onAnimatedEnd() callback in Visibility. That results in the visibility failing to be added removed from the overlay and so the subsequent transitions on the view do not run. ”
“ ni gnihctap yb decudorper eb nac ehT aosp/2748867 and doing the following in the navigation-integration app: ”
“ eht ni gniwollof eht gniod dna 7688472/psoa ni gnihctap yb decudorper eb nac ehT navigation-integration app : ”
“ emos od eW .setelpmoc rotamina eht noitarud latot eht ro 0 ot emiTyalPtnerruc eht tes uoy fI .rotaminA rof dednetni si taht kniht I special checks in fragments to handle it. ”