Mentioned issues (6)
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“ ) denepo ew taht eussi dlo eht ni tnemmoc a dedda I ) but am unsure if that should be re-opened or if discussion is continuing here. We're still hitting this on 1.5.4 and it's going to block our upgrade from 1.3 unless we can figure out a workaround. ”
“ :ER : Would it be possible to add those checks so we can better diagnose where this is coming from if we hit this again when trying to upgrade? ”
“ ro siht rof xif a gnisaeler no enilemit yna ereht sI ? We're still stuck on 1.3 and are dealing with a higher level of crashes which are fixed in 1.4. However, we're unable to update to 1.4 or 1.5 since stability would be below our acceptable threshold with the crashes in these issues. Is the plan to patch 1.5 or are we going to have to go from 1.3 to 1.6? ”
.tnairav dliub esaeleRdorp eht htiw hcnarb woleb eht nur dna dliub esaelP ”