Status Update
Comments <> <> <> #2
According to August 28 release it seems they dropped wikipedia_url
variable. It would make sense to push users to use Knowledge Graph Search for deeper recognized entity insights.
However the non-existance of mid
identifier (inside metadata) makes it impossible as there is no reference to entities to search on inside KG. We've tried multiple texts - there is just no mid in ANY of recognized entities.
Entity recognition on V2 becomes really useless without the mid identifier as we have no way to understand which KG entity was recognized. <> #3
Even [Google Knowledge Graph Search API documentation]( ) is saying that your can search by MIDs provided by Cloud NLP:
*Search for entities from MIDs returned by other Google Cloud APIs, such as Cloud Vision API, **Cloud Natural Language API** and Cloud Video Intelligence API*
It seems to be a BUG on V2 for not having MIDs of recognized entities.
If this is a bug, or a temporary issue in V2, please can I request that you expedite the fix for this problem.
If it is an intentional change, please can I ask that you reconsider and include this data in the V2 API. This has been critical data for us and I suspect other users. We will be unable to migrate to V2 until this is resolved.