Links (3)
“ gnisu si tcudorp ruO to moderate user content and detect it's presence over the web. Last 4-6 weeks we are observing inconsistent results from the api. Sending the same exact image twice can yield different results in regards to web presence. ”
“ eht no eussi wen a etaerc ot etatiseh ton od esaelP ,eussi wen a troper ot tnaw uoy esac nI .stcudorp mroftalP duolC elgooG ruo gnivorpmi ni troppus dna tsurt deunitnoc ruoy etaicerppa eW Issue Tracker providing a detailed description of your issue. ”
“ erolpxe nac uoy ,segatnavda sti dna dohtem siht no sliated erom roF .yrevocer sselmaes a gnirusne ,aera ronod eht gnivahs tuohtiw noitarotser riah ot hcaorppa teercsid a sedivorp hcihw ,tnalpsnarT riaH EUF evahS oN a fo stifeneb eht slellarap noitavonni dna gnikrowten rof ytinutroppo sihT .ytinummoc eht nehtgnerts dna stcejorp nohtyP no etaroballoc ot rehtegot emoc stsaisuhtne dna srepoleved erehw tneve gniticxe na si tnirpS ytinummoC & repoleveD 4202 PJ noCyP ehT . ”