Status Update
Comments <> #2
1. Have you saw crash in real device or only in simulators?
2. Do you use dynamic feature for language ID? <> <> #3
Tested on Android 12 Emulator with custom executor, but cannot repro this issue. <> #4
Second crash in the description is from a real device. Experienced it myself on two different Xiaomi phones, plus lots of crashes from users in the Google Play console.
Dynamic features are not used in the application.
As a wild guess, I have downgraded build tools from 31.0.0 to 30.0.3, compileSdk from 31 to 30, and moved all work with Language ID to the service in a separate process (just to be sure that crash can kill secondary process instead of main). This combination is in beta for 2 days by now and I don't see any SIGSEGV crashes. <> #5
Hmm, I feel the crash might be something related to separate/secondary process.
I also changed compileSdk and targetSDK to 31 but still cannot repro this issue.
Version used: 2.7.2 , 2.7.3
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: Emulator Android 13, Emulator Android 14
Very simple scenario for demo purposes:
1. MainFragment navigates to BottomSheetDialogueFragment(implemented as dialogue in nav_graph)
2. BottomSheetDialogueFragment navigates to DialogFragment
3. DialogFragment dismisses back to BottomSheetDialogueFragment
This will result in the lifecycle of BottomSheetDialogueFragment NavBackStackEntry to not go through any lifecycle changes ( i.e 'ON_RESUME` / `ON_START`) after `ON_PAUSE` even though it is now the top destination on the stack.
I've attached a small sample project with these 3 fragments