Status Update
Comments <> #2
IMPORTANT! Please note that if you released your library to stable with these calls, the APIs must maintain binary compatibility moving forward.
That means the restricted APIs need to be made public or @RestrictTo(LIBRARY_GROUP_PREFIX) (e.g. effectively public for the purposes of compatibility).
You CANNOT simply remove the call to the restricted API.
That means the restricted APIs need to be made public or @RestrictTo(LIBRARY_GROUP_PREFIX) (e.g. effectively public for the purposes of compatibility).
You CANNOT simply remove the call to the restricted API. <> #3
Sorry, additional point of clarification. These bugs have been filed against the call sites, but the issue really applies to both the restricted API and the call site.
For the call site: the call may be safely removed, however if the call went out in a stable release then that release will crash if the restricted API is removed.
If the restricted API should be maintained to ensure binary compatibility with your library, please forward this issue to the component for the restricted API and continue reading.
For the restricted API: this bug was filed because your API was used outside of your library group. The API must now be tracked for binary compatibility. You may make the API public or LIBRARY_GROUP_PREFIX visibility.
For the call site: the call may be safely removed, however if the call went out in a stable release then that release will crash if the restricted API is removed.
If the restricted API should be maintained to ensure binary compatibility with your library, please forward this issue to the component for the restricted API and continue reading.
For the restricted API: this bug was filed because your API was used outside of your library group. The API must now be tracked for binary compatibility. You may make the API public or LIBRARY_GROUP_PREFIX visibility.
The following lint check is baseline suppressed in your project. Please remove all instances of this suppression from
and address the associated issues before your next stable release.1 instance(s) of
PreferenceFragment.getCallbackFragment can only be called from within the same library (androidx.preference:preference)
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