Status Update
Comments <> #2
This is expected behavior, we are checking for referential equality on function references, as their equals implementation doesn't take the receiver (stableClass
) into account. <> #3
I don't feel strongly either way, but if we cared we could probably rewrite function references to behave more like lambdas which preserve stability. It does seem like maybe a valid request/optimization even if a low-priority one? <> #4
Thanks for the explanation. I didn't realize that using a bound function reference actually creates a new reference on every access, since I assumed .equals() would be using referential equality!
However, there still seems to be a bug.
To my understanding the compiler should generate a remember expression around parameter-less function reference, but it doesn't seem to generate one for function references with more than 0 arguments. I would imagine
if (expression.valueArgumentsCount != 0) {
// If this syntax is as a curry syntax in the future, don't memoize.
// The syntax <expr>::<method>(<params>) and ::<function>(<params>) is reserved for
// future use. This ensures we don't try to memoize this syntax without knowing
// its meaning.
seems to currently refer to the parameters of the method being referenced, not the parameters in the calling syntax. I might be misunderstanding as I'm not very familiar with the internals, but this still seems premature at this moment.
For others reading this issue: a workaround is to replace direct bound function references:
- klass::method
+ remember(klass) { klass::method }
// or
+ { arg -> klass.method(arg) }
Can this issue be reopened or should I file a new issue with a more specific description? <> #5
I see, this feature request sounds legit to me I think we should be able to remember reference based on receiver types. <> #6
Regarding #3, #5; based on the compiler source it seems function reference memoization is already implemented in the compiler, it just doesn't work correctly (see #4). <> #7
It is not quite the case, the line of code you linked prevents memoization in cases if someone does cls::invoke(0)
We'll need to support function references separately, as IR shape for them is different <> #8
Branch: androidx-main
commit c05d2bbe2b44dfead66315174a4d82951fd56b46
Author: Elias Benkhodja <>
Date: Wed Oct 04 20:57:13 2023
Memoize function references with arguments
`ComposerLambdaMemoization` tried to prematurely prevent potential
syntax addition not breaking function reference optimization by checking
for amount of value parameters.
This inadvertently broke memoization of function references to methods
with more than zero arguments, since `IrFunctionReferenceImpl` currently
reflects the amount of value arguments in the referenced function.
Add a check to disable memoization for function references with context
receivers. Kotlin doesn't support them yet, and behavior might change in
the future.
This change also enables memoizing function references without checking
for stability if strong skipping is enabled.
Test: Added new tests to `LambdaMemoizationTransformTests`:
* `testNonComposableFunctionReferenceWithNoArgumentsMemoization`
* `testNonComposableFunctionReferenceWithArgumentsMemoization`
* `testNonComposableFunctionReferenceWithStableContextReceiverNotMemoized`
* `testUnstableReceiverFunctionReferenceNotMemoized`
* `testUnstableExtensionReceiverFunctionReferenceNotMemoized``
Added new tests to `StrongSkippingModeTransformTests`:
* `testUnstableReceiverFunctionReferenceMemoized`
* `testUnstableExtensionReceiverFunctionReferenceMemoized`
Relnote: Memoize stable function references with arguments
Change-Id: I4d7bf3061e60eaa6fd3af60662d6a7b02c1a83b2
M compose/compiler/compiler-hosted/integration-tests/src/jvmTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/compiler/plugins/kotlin/LambdaMemoizationTransformTests.kt
M compose/compiler/compiler-hosted/integration-tests/src/jvmTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/compiler/plugins/kotlin/StrongSkippingModeTransformTests.kt
A compose/compiler/compiler-hosted/integration-tests/src/test/resources/golden/androidx.compose.compiler.plugins.kotlin.LambdaMemoizationTransformTests/testUnstableExtensionReceiverFunctionReferenceNotMemoized[useFir = false].txt
A compose/compiler/compiler-hosted/integration-tests/src/test/resources/golden/androidx.compose.compiler.plugins.kotlin.LambdaMemoizationTransformTests/testUnstableExtensionReceiverFunctionReferenceNotMemoized[useFir = true].txt
A compose/compiler/compiler-hosted/integration-tests/src/test/resources/golden/androidx.compose.compiler.plugins.kotlin.LambdaMemoizationTransformTests/testUnstableReceiverFunctionReferenceNotMemoized[useFir = false].txt
A compose/compiler/compiler-hosted/integration-tests/src/test/resources/golden/androidx.compose.compiler.plugins.kotlin.LambdaMemoizationTransformTests/testUnstableReceiverFunctionReferenceNotMemoized[useFir = true].txt
A compose/compiler/compiler-hosted/integration-tests/src/test/resources/golden/androidx.compose.compiler.plugins.kotlin.StrongSkippingModeTransformTests/testUnstableExtensionReceiverFunctionReferenceMemoized[useFir = false].txt
A compose/compiler/compiler-hosted/integration-tests/src/test/resources/golden/androidx.compose.compiler.plugins.kotlin.StrongSkippingModeTransformTests/testUnstableExtensionReceiverFunctionReferenceMemoized[useFir = true].txt
A compose/compiler/compiler-hosted/integration-tests/src/test/resources/golden/androidx.compose.compiler.plugins.kotlin.StrongSkippingModeTransformTests/testUnstableReceiverFunctionReferenceMemoized[useFir = false].txt
A compose/compiler/compiler-hosted/integration-tests/src/test/resources/golden/androidx.compose.compiler.plugins.kotlin.StrongSkippingModeTransformTests/testUnstableReceiverFunctionReferenceMemoized[useFir = true].txt
M compose/compiler/compiler-hosted/src/main/java/androidx/compose/compiler/plugins/kotlin/lower/ComposerLambdaMemoization.kt <> #9
The following release(s) address this bug.It is possible this bug has only been partially addressed:
Steps to Reproduce or Code Sample to Reproduce:
Results in log output:
The Android Studio debugger claims that the parameter has changed even though equals returns true.
fun method() {}
Skippable { stableClass.method(it) }