Status Update
Comments <> #2
Hey there,
1 - Could you give me access to the attached video? Or if you attach the file directly to this bug, it would help me understand how the queries are being invoked.
2 - The Android system generally suppresses invoked intents if they match exactly with the previous invoked intent. This might be the reason the onNewIntent is not getting called.
- Android checks the action, data, categories, and extras of the object to classify it as same or a new intent. If all components are the same, Android will not forward the intent.
3 - Could you file a bug report if possible, then I can take a look at the logs and check whether the intent is getting fired or not.
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: Samsung Galaxy A52, Android 13
Android Auto version reproduced on: 10.5.633814-release (using both DHU and real AA device)
Searching with Google Assistant twice for the same query, results in non-delivery of subsequent intents to the application through the onNewIntent() method. Method will only be invoked if the current query is different than the previous one.
In the attached video, my search flow goes as follows: "bakery" (ok) -> "bakery" (intent not delivered) -> "bakery" (again intent not delivered) -> "restaurant" (ok) -> "bakery" (ok) -> "bakery" (once again, intent not delivered)
Sample code:
override fun onNewIntent(intent: Intent) {
Log.d("test", "new intent")
Result: log won't be printed in logcat if the query hasn't changed since the last search