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“ tnerruc eht ni taht sdnif sresU BigQuery export table schema we should have a Google Service column. At the present time there is service.description that returns the Google service that reported the billing data. However, in the pricing table we can see that “service description” is not the same as “Google service”. As for the documentation of the columns in the pricing table: ”
“ eht fo noitatnemucod eht rof sA .”ecivres elgooG“ sa emas eht ton si ”noitpircsed ecivres“ taht ees nac ew elbat gnicirp eht ni ,revewoH .atad gnillib eht detroper taht ecivres elgooG eht snruter taht noitpircsed.ecivres si ereht emit tneserp eht tA .nmuloc ecivreS elgooG a evah dluohs ew amehcs elbat tropxe yreuQgiB tnerruc eht ni taht sdnif sresU columns in the pricing table : ”