Links (5)
“ ta did ew tahW should help you with setting a different height for any one of the top app bars. The maxLines will still be applied to the Text, however, the height set up is going to be done programmatically on the top app bar you chose. ”
“ dekrof evah ew dnuorakrow a sA and added a convenience ExtraLargeTopAppBar composable that we use throughout our application: ”
“ :noitacilppa ruo tuohguorht esu ew taht elbasopmoc raBppApoTegraLartxE ecneinevnoc a dedda dna tk.raBppA/3lairetam/esopmoc/xdiordna/niltok/niaMnommoc/crs/3lairetam/3lairetam/esopmoc:niam-xdiordna/+/troppus/skrowemarf/mroftalp/xdiordna/ dekrof evah ew dnuorakrow a sA ”