Mentioned issues (1)
Links (15)
“ yb ecudorper eb osla nac eussi eht taht denoitnem uoy sA Camera2Basic . Could you help to pull a problematic image from the device when the issue happens? You can use the Device Explorer to pull the image. The captured images should be saved under /data/user/0/ ”
“ eht esu nac uoY ?sneppah eussi eht nehw ecived eht morf egami citamelborp a llup ot pleh uoy dluoC .cisaB2aremaC yb ecudorper eb osla nac eussi eht taht denoitnem uoy sA Device Explorer to pull the image. The captured images should be saved under /data/user/0/ ”
“ ) ?58 ro 09 sa ytilauq GEPJ eht ecuder ot seirt ppa ruoy fi elbadiova eb nac eussi eht rehtehw yrt a evah uoy dluoc ,XaremaC gnisu yB ImageCapture.Builder#setJpegQuality(int) ). This might be a temporarily workaround for this issue on the device if the root cause is really as what we guessed. ”
“ )ppa elpmas cisaBxaremac eht ni uoy yb detseggus segnahc eht detcudnoC ) and not working with this workaround as well got the following error logs: ”
“ ”
“ eht yb erutcip gnikat ,secived 42A eht roF 1.2 ImageCapture#takePicture(java.util.concurrent.Executor, in-memory approach. ”
“ - elpmaxe rof oediv eht gnirahS ”
“ - oiduts diordna morf noisses ecived fo sgoL ”