Links (3)
“ mentions that one should call takePersistableUriPermission after obtaining the URI from the Photo Picker for extended access to the URI. Still, when the backport version is used on API 28 (possibly lower) the returned intent doesn't provide Intent.FLAG_GRANT_PERSISTABLE_URI_PERMISSION so executing the takePersistableUriPermission will result in a runtime exception. ”
“ eht gnisu dellatsni teg hcihw hcnarb (SEGAMI_KCIP_KCABLLAF_METSYS_NOITCA)tnetnI eht tuoba gniklat m'I tub ,TNEMUCOD_NEPO_NOITCA eht tuoba tcerroc era uoY ”
“ tuoba gniklat er'ew ecniS ACTION_SYSTEM_FALLBACK_PICK_IMAGES , the documentation says that this is for OEMs / system apps to provide a Picker activity that handles this action. ”