Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
I have one question related to Google translate API. but it is not related to this issue.
When i am trying to access Google Translate API using javascript when the query string size is around 13000 characters i am getting server response error code 400. Can you please let me know what is the request size limit if any exist.
When i am trying to access Google Translate API using javascript when the query string size is around 13000 characters i am getting server response error code 400. Can you please let me know what is the request size limit if any exist.
Customer is using postman to call translation API v2 and the result is incorrect. Customer is trying to translate Spanish(es) to Chinese(cn). The outcome shows like [1].
We referred to public documentation[2] and used Cloud shell and got the correct outcome. However in this reproducing stage,we add new lines to the original text as you can see “\n” in the translated text. We tried in google translate and the result is the same as the incorrect one but when we add new lines in between the result shows correctly. This is the same as translation API v2.
After reproducing the issue, we suggested they follow the public documentation and change the code. However, customers came back saying our suggestion does not meet their business requirement. They don’t want to change the code and they don’t want to follow the way that public documentation suggested either. Then we suspected that [X-cargo] in the original text conflicts with the code [curl -X POST].
They just want the issue resolved. We then suggested adding quotations on [X-cargo] as the public documentation suggested[3] but they don’t accept this. They said they want to know the root cause of why the outcome is incorrect.
Ater that we contacted product specialist. He also indicated that the “x” got conflicted. He suggested me to create a feature request since the customer is not satisfied with the explanation. We planned to create the FR and PIT and let them follow.
"q": "Porque la empresa X-cargo de Colombia no ha entregado mi pedido tiene mas de 24 dias de retraso, por favor no contraten con ellos, he tratado de comunicarme por todos los medios y ha sido imposible no obtengo respuesta sobre porque mi pedido no llega",
"source": "es",
"target": "zh",
"format": "text"
"data": {
"translations": [
{"translatedText": "因为公司(Because of the company)"}