Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thank you for reporting this issue. For us to further investigate this issue, please provide the following additional information:
- Android bug report (to be captured after reproducing the issue)
Android Wear devices connected to Android devices
On you Android phone, following the instructions below, under the section ‘Instructions on your companion phone or tablets (Android)’
Launch the ‘Android Wear’ app on your phone or tablet.
Tap on the three vertical ellipsis on the top right hand corner of the screen and click on “Report Wearable Bug” to capture a bug report from the watch
On the watch, you will observe a notification card with the text “Bug report #X is being generated”. It can take up to 20 minutes for the bug report to be generated and transferred to your phone.
Once the bug report is done, the notification card on the watch changes to “Bug report #X captured” and you will receive a notification on the phone that reads “Wearable bug report finished.
Tap to send." Tap on this notification and email the bug report to a pre populated email address
Instructions on your companion phone or tablets (Android)
- On your Android device, go to Settings > About phone or About tablet.
- At the bottom of the screen, touch 'Build number' seven times in quick succession. You’ll see a message saying you’re now in developer mode.
- Press Back to go back to the main Settings screen.
- Touch Developer options.
- At the top of the screen, make sure 'Developer options' is set to ON.
- Check the box next to USB debugging.
- Check the box next to Bug report shortcut.
- Reproduce the issue or error message on your phone or tablet. It’s important that your device logs at least one occurrence of the problem.
- Immediately after seeing the issue, press and hold the power button until the power menu appears.
- Select Take bug report, then select Report in the dialog that follows.
- After a significant delay -- up to two minutes -- your phone or tablet will vibrate and display a notification saying ‘Bug report captured’. Touch the notification to open Gmail with the report attached. +After replying to this message, you can disable developer mode and bug reports by going to Settings > Developer Options and sliding the top toggle to OFF.
Dear Google.
After applying Google's patch below. we got CTS failed on the watch device.
Please help to confirm the below Android13 CTS case failed issue.
Device: R965U
Test Tool: Official Tool CTS / 13_r5 / 10555997
Below cts case fail at test device
《Case name》
《Module name》
armeabi-v7a CtsStatsdAtomHostTestCases
armeabi-v7a CtsStatsdAtomHostTestCases[instant]
10-26 09:45:29 I/ModuleListener: [1/1] R3AW3012ZHK android.cts.statsdatom.appops.AppOpsTests#testAppOps FAILURE: Operation in APP_OPS_ENUM_MAP: 27
expected: 28
but was : 131
at android.cts.statsdatom.appops.AppOpsTests.testAppOps(
at [[Reflective call: 4 frames collapsed (
at [[Testing framework: 2 frames collapsed (