Status Update
Comments <> #2
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We have shared this with our product and engineering team and will update this issue with more information as it becomes available. <> #5 <> #6
Hi Team, any update on this.
This is a feature request for the Google Play Instant Apps.
Our company is active in the B2C sector, and our users are guided to our Android Instant App or the IOS App Clip via QR codes and can thus use our service. In general, we noticed that the conversation rate of IOS users exceeded that of Android users by 90%, which should be different in the European market we serve. The problem lies in the barrier to entry the Instant App instead of the App Clip. The App Clip has a preview image and the neutral wording "Open" for the user. The Instant App has no preview image, and the wording is "OPEN APP," which suggests to the user that he has to install an app, which is exactly what you don't have to do with Google Instant. For this reason, most of our users click on the alternative button, "OPEN IN BROWSER," which leads them to our actual app, but the user is too lazy to start the download. It's a pity that Apple is so far ahead in this area, and we are losing many Android users.
Hence, the feature requests to change the wording and allow a preview image. From my developer's point of view, this is not a significant effort, but it could be of immense benefit and significantly increase the Instant App user rate.
I would be delighted to receive your feedback.
Best regards