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“ yb tcaf eht retfa ecart eht otni stniopecart nwo sti stresni kramhcneb ,ereht txetnoc roF constructing and appending perfetto protos , and while I haven't seen it locally, I noticed in the past couple days it does occur frequently in our CI tests, see attached traces. ”
“ htiw ssol atad si ereht taht swohs ti ,ved.ottefrep.iu ni bat "stats dna ofni" eht pu nepo uoy fi - ecart taht ni ssol atad fo tol a s'erehT this error message ”
“ :buhtig no derorrim ro ”
“ :IPA siht esu osla nac uoy sgifnoc erutpac ottefrep tnereffid htiw tnemirepxe ot tnaw uoy fI,kotlin.collections.List,kotlin.String,kotlin.Function1,kotlin.Function0) instead of macrobenchmark (which uses that API internally to collect traces from benchmarks). ”
“ ni snoitcerid eht gniwollof , swodniw ni lsw desu evah I )
noitpo tiaw-dnuorgkcab-- esu syawla dna ezis reffub eht egralne retfa skrow tI , used benchmark:<project name>:assemble to generate my own aar files) ”