Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Thank you for posting.
Kindly provide a sample app with screen recording and steps to reproduce for further checking. <> #3
The issue is easily reproduced with the Stroke and Width settings for Buildings (3d and Footprint) within the latest Maps JavaScript API and both the old web-based Map Styles editor and the new cloud-based Map Styles editor. You can reproduce the issue by attempting to add an outline (stroke) of any width under Landscape-Human-made(man_made)-Buildings. The expected changes do not show in the rendered map within the Styles editor(s) or when loading the map via saved Map ID elsewhere.
I don't have time this week to author a screen recording that redacts my proprietary intellectual property, and I certainly won't be providing a copy of my software or authoring a sample app for you when you can already easily duplicate the bug in your own Map Styles editors.
I may have time to provide a marked-up screenshot from the Map Styles editor later tonight or tomorrow when I am back at my computer. <> #4
To follow-up on this in an effort to assist you in bringing this bug to a resolution, please see the attached screenshot from the (old) Map Styles editor showing the issue and how you can duplicate it on your own. Similarly, the issue can also be duplicated in the (new) preview of the cloud-based Map Styles editor. Stroke color and width are not working as expected, for both the 3d and footprint style of buildings on the map. To assist you in locating the Map Styles editor, here is the link to Map Styles: <> #5
Thank you for the information.
We have verified and logged this issue internally. Please note that we cannot give you any timelines, but you can star the issue to get notifications. <> #6 <> #7 Restricted+ <> #8 Restricted+ <> #9 Restricted+ <> #10
I did notice a recent change to the (new) cloud-based Map Styles editor which added the ability to edit the stroke color and width for the footprint style of buildings. That seems to be some positive progress. <> #11
<codes><312220318></codes> <> #12 <> #13 <> #14
Please add this to the list of bugs/issues that I have reported above: Building Fill color is missing the Transparency option. <> #15 <> #16
Thank you for your message.
As per checking,
Our Engineering team is actively working on fixing the mentioned issues. We apologize for the delay and sincerely appreciate your understanding.
Rest assured that once we have receive any shareable updates, we'll let you know.
Thanks again. <> #17 <> #18
There has been an update in our documentation related to the stroke color and weight. The following pages have been updated. In short "Stroke color and stroke weight customizations are not available for 3D style buildings."
Well, I guess that is one way to fix an annoying bug... just rewrite the documentation to make it look like the bug was intentional. I have to say, that is the funniest and most annoying thing I have heard in a long time. What a joke Google Maps API has become. If the goal is to force developers to seek alternative mapping solutions, you all are succeeding.
It is also worth mentioning, I am not privileged enough to actually have access rights to view either of the documentation links that were provided (internal to Google maybe?), but I will assume that they are just trying to cover up their mistake instead of actually fixing the issues. How utterly disappointing and frustrating! <> #19
I assume they will update the doc to include fill/transparency on 3D buildings too <> #20 <> #21 <> #22 <> #23
We really apologize for this experience.
The internal issue that we filed is still open as our engineers are still actively working on it.
Once again, apologies and thank you very much for your understanding. Once we are able to receive updates, we will surely let you know.
The issue is easily reproduced by attempting to add an outline (stroke) of any width under Landscape-Human-made(man_made)-Buildings. The expected changes do not show in the rendered map in the editor or when loading the map elsewhere.
I have attached a screenshot (3d-Issue.jpg) where I have the building outline (stroke) set to red and the stroke width set to 4 (building type is 3d), but the outline doesn't show when rendering the map. I have also attached a second screenshot (3d-Expected.jpg) using Photoshop to mock up an example of the expected behavior when adding the building outlines (stroke). These red building outlines in this second screenshot were added in Photoshop to show the expected behavior of the stroke and width feature, when editing buildings in the Map Styles editors.
The same issue also exists when the building type is set to footprint, where the building footprints are never outlined as expected. Similarly, I have attached a screenshot (Footprint-Issue.jpg) where I have the building outline (stroke) set to red and the stroke width set to 4 (building type is Footprint), but the outline doesn't show when rendering the map. I have also attached a second screenshot (Footprint-Expected.jpg) using Photoshop to mock up an example of the expected behavior when adding the building outlines (stroke).