Status Update
Comments <> #2
Yes please :) Along with a more specific definition of how the Popular Times are determined (how much history? done by mobile device activity? check ins?) <> #3
Making popular times available by day of the week would be awesome <> #4
It already is Jeffrey, you can toggle by day on mobile or desktop <> #5
Hello, following up on this. Please let us know when we can expect pagination for "Places API (New)." Thanks <> #6
@r22, I think Jeff is referring to the ability to split popular times by day of week in the information released by the API, not the currently existing web GUI.
Maybe the info appears as a nested object? e.g. "popular times" > "day of week" > "hour of day" > traffic count
Maybe the info appears as a nested object? e.g. "popular times" > "day of week" > "hour of day" > traffic count <> #7
Agree with the comments above. Please make this available.. <> #8
Would love to see this feature implemented soon <> #9
Would like to migrate to the new api, as it enables search with more than one type such as restaurant, cafe etc. However because no pagination is available I am not sure whether I should migrate to the new API. 20 results is not something I, as a developer, would prefer to show to my users. For now, seems better to stick to the old API. I request pagination just like the comments above. <> #10
Would be extremely helpful to have access to this data directly via the API. Is it maybe available via another API? <> #11
No update on here for a while now... Any news on making this available ? <> #12
Definitely need an pagination option for nearby search(New) api. Please add this feature . <> #13
Pagination for nearbyPlaces(new) should be implemented asap. Without it is useless. <> #14
News? it would be awesome :) <> #15
This would be great, we could use for some cool analytics applications... <> #16
Would be great to see this opened up so we could use it in app development in iOS and Android. <> #17
Hi, those data would be definitely usefull to enable new services like shopping day optimizer and many more. <> #18
Any updates? <> #19
Would be great!! <> #20
Hi Project Team, any updates? We'd love to use that in our apps and systems. It's a VERY powerful piece of data <> #21
Can we please see it as an Api for other apps to use. <> #22
Hi Project Team, any updates? Thanks a lot! <> #23
Please build it...we will come! <> #24
Don't build it, keep the data for yourself its very valuable <> #25
Very valuable feature that would get much use and increase spend on places api calls <> #26
Also hoping for this to be implemented <> #27
Would love to see this API exposed <> #28
How has this been an issue for almost a year? I can't believe a company as large as google would neglect a feature as important as pagination. I hope that you manage to get this feature added soon but since no one has responded to any chats I'm guessing its going to end up taking forever. <> #29
waiting to get popular times info from Google Places API <> #30
Comment has been deleted. <> #31
Comment has been deleted. <> #32
Hey folks, unless I'm misunderstanding what people want to do here, I think the functionality is there, just not very clearly documented (imho).
It looks like you need to pass "nextPageToken" as one of the X-Goog-FieldMask:
Doing that returns nextPageToken in the results, which you can then pass as the pageToken parameter in the following request.
It looks like you need to pass "nextPageToken" as one of the X-Goog-FieldMask:
Doing that returns nextPageToken in the results, which you can then pass as the pageToken parameter in the following request. <> #33
The new searchNearby API returns 400 error when 'nextPageToken' is included in X-Goog-FieldMask.
I got this error:
{'code': 400, 'message': 'Request contains an invalid argument.', 'status': 'INVALID_ARGUMENT', 'details': [{'@type': ' ', 'fieldViolations': [{'field': ' ,places.location,places.googleMapsUri,places.displayName,places.shortFormattedAddress,places.primaryType,places.primaryTypeDisplayName,places.types,places.rating,places.userRatingCount,places.priceRange,nextPageToken', 'description': "Error expanding 'fields' parameter. Cannot find matching fields for path 'nextPageToken'."}]}]}
I got this error:
{'code': 400, 'message': 'Request contains an invalid argument.', 'status': 'INVALID_ARGUMENT', 'details': [{'@type': ' <> #34
Would be very usefull <> #35
It would be extremely helpful to get this information to make amazing apps. Please OPEN THIS for us! <> #36 Restricted+
Comment has been deleted. <> #37
Indeed, would be great if you could include this endpoint within your next update! Thanks <> #38
Would love to get access to this data! <> #39
I agree - please add to API. <> #40
The only thing missing in the Places API! Too bad it was not added with the latest Google I/O batch of changes <> #41
I join the chorus of people requesting this feature. <> #42
[Comment deleted] <> #43
Any updates on this? This is quite important <> #44
I too join the chorus for requesting this feature. <> #45
And me... But I fear it is too valuable in aggregate to expose back to the masses. We can hope... <> #46
Google, can you please fix this issue? We're paying for a service that is useless.... <> #47
Adding to the earlier request(s) for the Places API to provide Popular Times. <> #48
Joining the chorus for requesting this feature!
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Feature Request
What would you like to see us add to this API?
To improve the API, I would love to see the ability to retrieve more than 20 results per request through pagination
or batching.
(This Feature Request is about the Text Search endpoint for the service “Places API (New)” (“