Status Update
Comments <> #2
I am not sure I understand the use case. how can the benchmark be code to real world scenario when it's not possible to do right now ? which scenario is it ?
In any case, since this would be for benchmarking, this would clearly not be available through the public DSL. We should find a semi-private way of doing this (maybe the private variant API object could offer that functionality for instance or a property). <> #3
We want benchmarks to measure code after Progaurd / R8, but it's not possible to turn that on for androidTests in library modules at the moment (to my knowledge?)
Benchmarks are also a public facing thing, but we have a plugin to help configure gradle builds for our users, so if support for this ends up in a private API, we could try to keep those usages localized to our code perhaps.
Version used: 1.0.0-alpha07
Devices/Android versions reproduced on:
As far as I understand, the current uwb library supports only one ranging configuration, namely CONFIG_UNICAST_DS_TWR() = 1 which implements a DS-TWR ranging
with a STATIC STS. The library has other pre-defined Configs, but if I'm not mistaken they are not currently implemented. Correct?
Some of those future configs (for example, CONFIG ID 4, 5, and 7) refer to a P-STS security mode. I don't find this terminology in the IEEE UWB documentation or the FiRa documentation. Is this "P-STS security mode" just another name for "Dynamic STS"? If not, can you provide a link to where P-STS mode is defined? And can you confirm that "P-STS" stands for "Provisioned STS"?
Thank you.