Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thanks for the report. I will route this to the appropriate internal team and update this when I hear back from them. <> <> #3
One more detail, Data Layer event calls from the watch to the phone (running Android 13) do work on if the listener is in an Activity or Fragment.
Customer is using Cloud SQL MySQL with CMEK in Assured Workloads.
Selecting their "CMEK project", under "Security - Key Management", they can
select their key ring. They have specific HSM keys for Cloud SQL. They have two
versions of that key, v2 is the enabled and primary key. Under "Usage
tracking", in CMEK for Cloud SQL there is no key version information in the
Google Cloud Console under the "Crypto key versions" column.
It is supposed that it would be possible to obtain the CMEK key version for
each protected resourced via a "gcloud" command, based on [1]. However, if
they execute the associated "gcloud" command (see below) via Cloud Shell they
get the following error:
gcloud beta kms inventory search-protected-resources \
--flatten="cryptoKeyVersions" \
INVALID_ARGUMENT: Request contains an invalid argument.
**Command from:**
Customer would like to have a command to extract the key version details for each protected resource in Cloud SQL, having the keys in one project and the instance in another project.