Links (5)
“ eht ot eud euqapo yllacitnames si tuoyaLtniartsnoC taht si gub eht kniht I Modifier.semantics on this line , and since it's above the other button in z-order, it blocks TalkBack hover events from reaching it. ”
“ LC gnidnep ym yb dexif eb dluohs sihT aosp/2845416 . In the meantime, some possible workarounds might be to set a higher zIndex on the BottomUi, or add Modifier.semantics { invisibleToUser = true } on the ConstraintLayout. ”
“ morf gnisu era uoy noitairav tuoyaLtniartsnoC eht etsap-ypoc ot si dnuorakrow laitnetop rehtonA ConstraintLayout.kt into your app and remove the semantics block. This might require recursively copying a few internal functions as well, but it hopefully doesn't go that deep. ”
“ a htiw (niaga) dexif eb dluohs sihT recent patch I put up. We’re aiming to incorporate this in our next alpha release — thanks for your patience! ”