Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
You can provide your own regex to By.text()
For example, By.text(Pattern.compile("All albums.*", Pattern.DOTALL))
should be equivalent to a multi-line startsWith. <> #3
I'm probably dumb but why would it be the default and wanted behavior if not documented properly?
Every known startWith / contains function in Java/Kotlin are multiline, the javadoc says: A UI element will be considered a match if its text value starts with the substring parameter
Many people will fall into this non standard default behavior and loose tons of time trying to figure out why.
If you still consider this default is the correct one, then please document it.
Compose Compiler: 1.5.7
Kotlin: 1.9.21
I don't expect this code to do anything sensible, but the compiler shouldn't throw an exception.
This should have a better compile time error message and not throw an exception. Something like:
e: blah blah blah is not allowed in @Composable at line XYZ
OR it should compile successfully and then throw
at runtime if that composable is called.This code:
Causes this exception at build time: