Status Update
Comments <> <> <> #2
I'm observing the same thing on the Nexus 10. <> #3
Sleep as Android users who upgraded to 4.3 recently report the same issue. It seems SoundPool looping is broken in 4.3... <> #4
I can approve the issue is reproducible on the 4.3 emulator. Unfortunately no hint in in the logcat related to audio or sound pool which would give further insight. The only think I'm getting releted to SoundPool every time I try using it is:
07-29 12:19:43.844: ERROR/SoundPool(296): error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressReturn.ogg
07-29 12:19:43.864: WARN/AudioService(296): Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressReturn.ogg
07-29 12:19:43.814: WARN/AudioService(296): Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg
07-29 12:19:43.814: ERROR/SoundPool(296): error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg
07-29 12:19:43.864: WARN/AudioService(296): onLoadSoundEffects(), Error -1 while loading samples
07-29 12:19:43.844: ERROR/SoundPool(296): error loading /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressReturn.ogg
07-29 12:19:43.864: WARN/AudioService(296): Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/KeypressReturn.ogg
07-29 12:19:43.814: WARN/AudioService(296): Soundpool could not load file: /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg
07-29 12:19:43.814: ERROR/SoundPool(296): error loading /system/media/audio/ui/Effect_Tick.ogg
07-29 12:19:43.864: WARN/AudioService(296): onLoadSoundEffects(), Error -1 while loading samples <> #5
I did try a non -1 looping parameter and it seems even finite looping is broken. Did someone had a chance to look at the 4.3 sources for SoundPool? Thanks. <> #6
Incorrect behaviour also on Nexus 7 since 4.3.
Easy to reproduce, Code nearly as above:
(in Mode Soundpool on 4.3 only one loop is played, on 4.2 it's looping)
The code in 4.2.2 looks like looping is done in the native part:
Easy to reproduce, Code nearly as above:
(in Mode Soundpool on 4.3 only one loop is played, on 4.2 it's looping)
The code in 4.2.2 looks like looping is done in the native part: <> #7
I'm having the same problem, loop will only play once :\ <> <> #9
Same here, I've only managed to solve it by using MediaPlayer instead, although I think the looping sounds clunkier. <> #10
Got the same problem on Gnex 4.3, can't use the MediaPlayer since I need the setRate Method for car engine pitch modification.
90% of car/bike games on the play store have their engine sound effect broken on 4.3 due to this.
90% of car/bike games on the play store have their engine sound effect broken on 4.3 due to this. <> <> <> <> #12
Same for Nexus 4 and Nexus 7 with Android 4.3. Audio in Android is a big mess..... ;/ <> #13
Same problem on a Nexus 7, both infinite and finite looping are not working. The same code works on a phone running 4.2.2. <> #14
[Comment deleted] <> #15
Yes I get this issue on nexus 7 4.3 <> #16
Having the same problem 2 please fix this
A -> B -> C where they depend on each other in order using an `implementation` scoped dependency.
Module B provides a composable function that uses a composition local from module C.
If module A does not have an explicit dependency on module C, attempting to preview something that uses this composable function from B in module A leads to the preview failing to render with a `ClassNotFoundException` for the class referenced in module C.
It looks something like this:
// Module A
fun PreviewStuff() {
PreviewContent { ... }
// Module B
fun PreviewContent(content: @Composable () -> Unit) {
CompositionLocalProvider(LocalStuff provides stuff) {
// Module C
object LocalStuff {
private val LocalStuff = compositionLocalOf< Stuff?> { null }
val current: Stuff
get() = LocalStuff.current
?: findStuff()
infix fun provides(stuff: Stuff): ProvidedValue<Stuff?> = LocalStuff(stuff)
Studio Build: Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Beta 1 (also happens on Jellyfish canaries)
Version of Gradle Plugin: 8.2.1
Version of Gradle: 8.5
Version of Java: 21
OS: macOS Sonoma 14.2