Mentioned issues (1)
App crashes after 82 hours being live “ :ees esaelP .siht rof eussi wen a detaerc I .gub wen a ekil smeeS .elihw a koot os ,(sruoh 28) syad 5,3 tem sekat tahT .siht taeper nac I |
Links (7)
“ :ereh ti tuoba erom daeR .sgol erutpac uoy pleh nac hcihw "slatiV diordnA" gnitargetni ta kool nac uoy ,sresu ruoy htiw gnineppah si siht fI .sgol emos erahs dluoc uoy fi taerg yllaer eb dluow tI .sgol yna tuohtiw eussi na gubed ot drah yllaer si tI ”
“ etaerc ot elba era uoy fi taerg eb osla dluow ti ,ti od I elihW minimal reproducible example which can replicate this issue, 100% of the time. You can even upload the code on a GitHub repository and attach the link here. It will help us move faster. ”
“ a si erehT .si eussi eht tahw derugif evah ew kniht I .yakO providersInvalidStack in the Composer.kt file. We keep pushing new integers in the stack and for some reason, the cleanup (pop operation) is not getting triggered. Eventually, the size of the stack exceeds the limit and the app ends up crashing. This indicates a memory leak. ”
“ :ruoivaheb siht swohs hcihw elpmaxe llams a detaerc evah I aosp/2950865 . I have also added the logs which show that the IntStack's size keeps increasing every 300 milliseconds to 500 milliseconds and the providersInvalidStack.pop is never called. ”
“ eht fo esu ekam nac uoY usable snapshot builds to verify the fix on your end. Here is the how-to-guide. ”
“ ni desaeler saw tI .seY 1.7.0-alpha03 version. You can pull in the latest 1.7.0-beta02 version as well. ”