Status Update
Comments <> #2
reemission of the same liveData is racy <> #3 <> #4 <> #5
fun raceTest() {
val subLiveData = MutableLiveData(1)
val subject = liveData(testScope.coroutineContext) {
emitSource(subLiveData) //crashes
subject.addObserver().apply {
} <> #6 <> #7
I actually have a WIP fix for it:
if your case is the one i found (emitting same LiveData multiple times, as shown in #5) you can work around it by adding a dummy transformation.
val subLiveData = MutableLiveData(1)
val subject = liveData(testScope.coroutineContext) {
emitSource( {it })
emitSource( {it} )
} <> #8
Branch: androidx-master-dev
commit af12e75e6b4110f48e44ca121466943909de8f06
Author: Yigit Boyar <>
Date: Tue Sep 03 12:58:11 2019
Fix coroutine livedata race condition
This CL fixes a bug in liveData builder where emitting same
LiveData source twice would make it crash because the second
emission registry could possibly happen before first one is
removed as source.
We fix it by using a suspending dispose function. It does feel
a bit hacky but we cannot make DisposableHandle.dispose async
and we do not want to block there. This does not mean that there
is a problem if developer disposes it manually since our emit
functions take care of making sure it disposes (and there is
no other way to add source to the underlying MediatorLiveData)
Bug: 140249349
Test: BuildLiveDataTest#raceTest_*
Change-Id: I0b464c242a583da4669af195cf2504e2adc4de40
M lifecycle/lifecycle-livedata-ktx/api/2.2.0-alpha05.txt
M lifecycle/lifecycle-livedata-ktx/api/current.txt
M lifecycle/lifecycle-livedata-ktx/api/public_plus_experimental_2.2.0-alpha05.txt
M lifecycle/lifecycle-livedata-ktx/api/public_plus_experimental_current.txt
M lifecycle/lifecycle-livedata-ktx/api/restricted_2.2.0-alpha05.txt
M lifecycle/lifecycle-livedata-ktx/api/restricted_current.txt
M lifecycle/lifecycle-livedata-ktx/src/main/java/androidx/lifecycle/CoroutineLiveData.kt
M lifecycle/lifecycle-livedata-ktx/src/test/java/androidx/lifecycle/BuildLiveDataTest.kt <> #9
$ killall perfetto
killall: pid 19422: Operation not permitted
killall: perfetto: Operation not permitted
``` <> #10 <> #11
Device is not rooted.
From the logs, it seems like the test doesn't have permissions needed to kill the perfetto process. It probably should send an IPC call to it to kill it (if perfectto has that capability). <> #12 <> <> #13
Experiencing the same issue.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to stop [ProcessPid(processName=perfetto, pid=24965)]
at androidx.benchmark.Shell.terminateProcessesAndWait(Shell.kt:617)
at androidx.benchmark.Shell.terminateProcessesAndWait(Shell.kt:587)
at androidx.benchmark.perfetto.PerfettoHelper$Companion.stopAllPerfettoProcesses(PerfettoHelper.kt:470)
at androidx.benchmark.perfetto.PerfettoHelper.startCollecting(PerfettoHelper.kt:85)
at androidx.benchmark.perfetto.PerfettoCapture.start(PerfettoCapture.kt:69)
at androidx.benchmark.perfetto.PerfettoCaptureWrapper.start(PerfettoCaptureWrapper.kt:76)
at androidx.benchmark.perfetto.PerfettoCaptureWrapper.record(PerfettoCaptureWrapper.kt:131)
at androidx.benchmark.perfetto.PerfettoCaptureWrapper.record$default(PerfettoCaptureWrapper.kt:95)
at androidx.benchmark.macro.MacrobenchmarkPhaseKt.runPhase(MacrobenchmarkPhase.kt:105)
at androidx.benchmark.macro.MacrobenchmarkKt$macrobenchmark$4.invoke(Macrobenchmark.kt:258)
at androidx.benchmark.macro.MacrobenchmarkKt$macrobenchmark$4.invoke(Macrobenchmark.kt:255)
at androidx.benchmark.perfetto.PerfettoTraceProcessor$Companion.runServer-VtjQ1oo(PerfettoTraceProcessor.kt:133)
at androidx.benchmark.perfetto.PerfettoTraceProcessor$Companion.runServer(PerfettoTraceProcessor.kt:108)
at androidx.benchmark.macro.MacrobenchmarkKt.macrobenchmark(Macrobenchmark.kt:255)
at androidx.benchmark.macro.MacrobenchmarkKt.macrobenchmarkWithStartupMode(Macrobenchmark.kt:392)
at androidx.benchmark.macro.junit4.MacrobenchmarkRule.measureRepeated(MacrobenchmarkRule.kt:108)
at com.example.baselineprofile.StartupBenchmarks.benchmark(StartupBenchmarks.kt:52)
at com.example.baselineprofile.StartupBenchmarks.startupCompilationNone(StartupBenchmarks.kt:44)
- AGP:
- Android Studio:
Android Studio Koala Feature Drop | 2024.1.2
- Google Pixel 6 Pro
- Android 15
- Android security update: August 5, 2024
- Google Play system update: July 1, 2024
- Kernel version:
#1 Wed Jun 12 03:24:21 UTC 2024 - Build number: AP41.240726.010
- Not rooted
The full logs of two test runs can be found in the attachments of the previous comment.
This section in the logs seems interesting:
09-03 11:09:10.873 10922 10942 D PerfettoCapture: Supported ABIs: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, armeabi
09-03 11:09:10.873 10922 10942 D PerfettoCapture: Recording perfetto trace
09-03 11:09:10.873 27764 10817 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: (REDACTED) Task %s/%s started execution. cause:%s exec_start_elapsed_seconds: %s
09-03 11:09:10.876 27764 10713 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: (REDACTED) Task %s/%s finished executing. cause:%s result: %s elapsed_millis: %s uptime_millis: %s exec_start_elapsed_seconds: %s
09-03 11:09:10.890 4184 5455 W MediaProvider: isAppCloneUserPair for user 0: false
09-03 11:09:10.895 10922 10942 I PerfettoCapture: Cleanup perfetto before starting.
09-03 11:09:10.934 27764 10817 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: (REDACTED) Task %s/%s started execution. cause:%s exec_start_elapsed_seconds: %s
09-03 11:09:10.938 27764 11369 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: (REDACTED) Task %s/%s finished executing. cause:%s result: %s elapsed_millis: %s uptime_millis: %s exec_start_elapsed_seconds: %s
09-03 11:09:10.966 4184 30886 W MediaProvider: isAppCloneUserPair for user 0: false
09-03 11:09:11.003 1109 1109 I WifiHAL : Creating message to get link statistics; iface = 47
09-03 11:09:11.019 27764 10817 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: (REDACTED) Task %s/%s started execution. cause:%s exec_start_elapsed_seconds: %s
09-03 11:09:11.023 27764 10820 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: (REDACTED) Task %s/%s finished executing. cause:%s result: %s elapsed_millis: %s uptime_millis: %s exec_start_elapsed_seconds: %s
09-03 11:09:11.045 4184 30886 W MediaProvider: Ignoring param:deletedata post U for external apps
09-03 11:09:11.048 4184 30886 I MediaProvider: Invalidating LocalCallingIdentity cache for package com.example.baselineprofile. Reason: owned_database_row_deleted:/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.example.baselineprofile/temporaryScript3723391827797421641.tmp
09-03 11:09:11.051 4184 30886 I MediaProvider: Deleted 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 items on external_primary due to
09-03 11:09:11.054 10922 10942 D Benchmark: kill -TERM command output - Output(stdout=, stderr=/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.example.baselineprofile/temporaryScript3723391827797421641.tmp[2]: kill: 24965: Operation not permitted
09-03 11:09:11.054 10922 10942 D Benchmark: )
It looks like PerfettoCapture
is trying to kill an already running instance of perfetto
, but it doesn't have the
rights to do so (last log line).
Listing running perfetto
processes on the device after the test run shows:
adb -d shell ps | grep perfetto
statsd 15678 1 10846896 4480 0 0 S perfetto
statsd 24965 1 10814128 3208 0 0 S perfetto
The process ID of the second process matches the ID in the Stacktrace above. So PerfettoCapture
tried to stop this
one, but didn't have permission to do so.
Trying to kill these process via adb is also not permitted:
$ adb -d shell kill 24965
/system/bin/sh: kill: 24965: Operation not permitted
$ adb -d shell kill 15678
/system/bin/sh: kill: 15678: Operation not permitted
The user that owns the process seems to be statsd
. This looks like the
process that can't be killed.
This is likely what
I don't have any other hardware devices with me for comparison runs.
When running the test on an Emulator, the log shows this:
09-03 12:06:55.431 10498 10516 D PerfettoCapture: Supported ABIs: arm64-v8a
09-03 12:06:55.431 10498 10516 D PerfettoCapture: Recording perfetto trace
09-03 12:06:55.435 1479 8742 W MediaProvider: isAppCloneUserPair for user 0: false
09-03 12:06:55.436 10498 10516 I PerfettoCapture: Cleanup perfetto before starting.
09-03 12:06:55.445 1285 10327 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: (REDACTED) Task %s/%s started execution. cause:%s exec_start_elapsed_seconds: %s
09-03 12:06:55.446 1285 10578 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: (REDACTED) Task %s/%s finished executing. cause:%s result: %s elapsed_millis: %s uptime_millis: %s exec_start_elapsed_seconds: %s
09-03 12:06:55.453 1479 8742 W MediaProvider: isAppCloneUserPair for user 0: false
09-03 12:06:55.464 1285 10327 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: (REDACTED) Task %s/%s started execution. cause:%s exec_start_elapsed_seconds: %s
09-03 12:06:55.466 1285 3618 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: (REDACTED) Task %s/%s finished executing. cause:%s result: %s elapsed_millis: %s uptime_millis: %s exec_start_elapsed_seconds: %s
09-03 12:06:55.474 1479 2128 I MediaProvider: Invalidating LocalCallingIdentity cache for package com.example.baselineprofile. Reason: owned_database_row_deleted:/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.example.baselineprofile/temporaryScript2502516040961053018.tmp
09-03 12:06:55.474 1479 2128 I MediaProvider: Deleted 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 items on external_primary due to
09-03 12:06:55.475 10498 10516 I PerfettoCapture: Starting perfetto tracing with cmd: cat /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.example.baselineprofile/trace_config.pb | perfetto --background-wait -c - -o /data/misc/perfetto-traces/trace_output.pb
09-03 12:06:55.478 1479 8742 W MediaProvider: isAppCloneUserPair for user 0: false
09-03 12:06:55.484 1285 10327 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: (REDACTED) Task %s/%s started execution. cause:%s exec_start_elapsed_seconds: %s
09-03 12:06:55.486 1285 3618 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: (REDACTED) Task %s/%s finished executing. cause:%s result: %s elapsed_millis: %s uptime_millis: %s exec_start_elapsed_seconds: %s
09-03 12:06:55.484 11210 11210 W perfetto: type=1400 audit(0.0:455): avc: denied { write } for path="/data/local/tmp/temporaryScript4626443941097950496.tmp_stderr" dev="dm-39" ino=65625 scontext=u:r:perfetto:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:shell_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
09-03 12:06:55.493 11211 11211 I perfetto: Connected to the Perfetto traced service, starting tracing
09-03 12:06:55.493 444 444 I perfetto: Configured tracing session 22, #sources:9, duration:0 ms, #buffers:2, total buffer size:36864 KB, total sessions:1, uid:2000 session name: ""
09-03 12:06:55.493 432 432 I perfetto: Ftrace setup (target_buf=43)
09-03 12:06:55.492 432 432 W traced_probes: type=1400 audit(0.0:456): avc: denied { read } for name="current_tracer" dev="tracefs" ino=9295 scontext=u:r:traced_probes:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs_tracing_debug:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
09-03 12:06:55.493 432 432 I perfetto: disabled ftrace in /sys/kernel/tracing/
09-03 12:06:55.708 432 432 W traced_probes: type=1400 audit(0.0:457): avc: denied { read } for name="format" dev="tracefs" ino=8233 scontext=u:r:traced_probes:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs_tracing_debug:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
09-03 12:06:55.710 432 432 I perfetto: enabled ftrace in /sys/kernel/tracing/
09-03 12:06:55.751 1479 6378 I MediaProvider: Invalidating LocalCallingIdentity cache for package com.example.baselineprofile. Reason: owned_database_row_deleted:/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.example.baselineprofile/temporaryScript4626443941097950496.tmp
09-03 12:06:55.753 1479 6378 I MediaProvider: Deleted 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 items on external_primary due to
09-03 12:06:55.754 10498 10516 I PerfettoCapture: Perfetto output - 11211
09-03 12:06:55.754 10498 10516 I PerfettoCapture: EXITCODE=0
Emulator info:
- Pixel 6 AVD
- Android 14
- Android security update: September 5, 2023
- Google Play system update: July 1, 2023
- Kernel version:
#1 Mon Apr 17 20:50:58 UTC 2023 - Build number: UE1A.230829.036.A1 dev-keys
It seems like PerfettoCapture
doesn't try to kill a perfetto
process, and it seems to be able to start a perfetto
Querying for an existing perfetto
process on the emulator shows that no perfetto
processes are running.
Hypothesis based on information in this thread:
On Pixel (maybe others too) devices with Android 15, the Statsd module is starting a perfetto
process. This process
can't be killed by PerfettoCapture
when running a test, which produces the crash.
Edit 1: Seems like I hit a shortcut that sends the comment and deleted the text 🙈. Now I have to type it all again 😫. Hope I don't hit it again. Well, here we go 🤞.
Edit 2: Comment text got removed when posting the comment — and of course I didn't save it somewhere else. On to try number 3 🏇. Different browser... <> #14
Checked on a Pixel 6 Pro with Android 14 today. The crash did not occur.
I tried restarting the problematic device running 15, it did not resolve the issue. After a restart, the perfetto
processes owned by statsd
are also present again.
I also encountered this issue with the problematic Pixel 6 Pro running Android 15:
Maybe the problem described in that issue could also be triggered by the perfetto
process which can't be killed. The logs posted in this issue hint that the cause might also be a failure to run perfetto
on the device. <> #15
I was able to occasionally reproduce this with my Pixel 5 with ToT on ScrollerBenchmark
as well as TrivialKotlinBenchmark
. Unfortunately I can't seem to reproduce this anymore, but here are some details anyway:
- Google Pixel 5
- Android 14 <> #16
I can confirm I have the same issue on a Pixel 6 running Android 15. Same steps...same error. perfetto process can't be killed.
This seems like a bug in macrobenchmark? Or the Pixel 6 perfetto statsd autostartup.
Given this is a pretty popular test device, it should be easily reproducible... <> #17
----- begin exception -----
01-23 21:15:05.513 938 964 E TestRunner: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to stop [ProcessPid(processName=perfetto, pid=5165)]
Pixel 9 Pro XL | Android 15 <> #18
Project: platform/frameworks/support
Branch: androidx-main
Author: Chris Craik <
Avoid crashes from external perfetto trace capture
Expand for full commit details
Avoid crashes from external perfetto trace capture
Fixes: 323601788
Test: ShellTest#killProcessesAndWait_failure
Relnote: "Speculative fix for crashes: 'Failed to stop [ProcessPid(processName=perfetto, pid=...)]'. Now Benchmark will log a message instead of crashing when a backgroudn Perfetto process isn't able to be stopped before running the benchmark."
From bugreport details, it appears that background perfetto traces are
often triggered which cannot be terminated by shell. Log an error
rather than crashing the benchmark.
Change-Id: I37d3e254f7f3e49c53387dae89bb5bed7d2c9bf5
- M
- M
- M
- M
- M
- M
Hash: a1d00d7f334608a7d4975b209b4569cfdadb2539
Date: Thu Jan 23 16:10:27 2025 <> #19
The following release(s) address this bug.It is possible this bug has only been partially addressed:
Split off independent issue from reports in b/244621251#comment6 and b/244621251#comment7
Have an internal report of this at b/307649002
From that conversation, issue is likely that Macrobenchmark's perfetto death timeout of 3 seconds doesn't align with perfetto's 5s for stopping producers.
We should first try and resolve that, and can sort out what appears to be a producer problem after.