Status Update
Comments <> <> <> #2
I have forwarded this request to the engineering team. We will update this issue with any progress updates and a resolution. <> #3
Hello! Sorry to bring up this issue after almost a year but I wanted to add that we have chosen metric identifier as but autoscaling didnt work out for us either. It would be appraciated if you can guide us. <> #4
Hi, at the moment we are using the cpu_utilization/target_utilization attribute (in app.yaml) for autoscaling in the app engine flexible environment, however it would be great if we can have the way to mention the memory_utilization metrics as well to decide on the auto scaling. It will give us more control of the auto scaling the instances than now. <> <> #5
Hi, I do not see any memory metrics in neither console nor stackdriver. Is this connected to this issue?
We're facing an issue with the Slack integration of Error Reporting. For errors without a stack trace an almost empty message is posted to Slack:
New error in <project>
whereas for errors with a stack trace the message is much more detailed.
We're formatting the error messages as described in
I expect the Slack message at least to contain the error message in
In the following thread a workaround is proposed to use pub/sub with a cloud function to send a custom message to slack. However pub/sub is not supported for Error Reporting.